"American Pickers," a History Channel documentary series, will film episodes of the show in South Jersey in April.
The series explores the world of antique...
Samaritan’s 2024 Celebration of Life Gala in Cherry Hill raised $275,000 last month to support the nonprofit’s life-enhancing services.
“We are really pleased to honor,...
Events subject to cancellation due to the pandemic. Be sure to check online for status updates.
Wednesday, March 6
Human Relations Commission. 7 p.m. Borough Hall.
Haddonfield’s first-ever free Music Festival is coming to Downtown Haddonfield featuring live, original music by popular headliners on the main stage and Haddonfield-based talent on...
On Tuesday, Feb. 27, students of all affinity clubs from the entire school came together to host Haddonfield Memorial High School’s (HMHS) first Multicultural...
Downtown Haddonfield is celebrating Restaurant Week through Sunday, March 10. The promotion includes prix-fixe menus, daily specials and discounts at borough eateries.
Specials are subject...
Haddonfield commissioners introduced an ordinance by title only at their Feb. 26 meeting that would allow for free, short-term parking in town.
Mayor Colleen Bianco...
The "Your Song! Your Voice! Shout Down Drugs competition," organized by the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDNFJ), is a platform for high-school students to...
The Haddonfield board of education's recently meeting included a Committee of the Whole session to discuss updates in the bond referendum process.
As Superintendent...
Officials from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation have named Haddonfield Memorial High School senior Alexander Nuckols a finalist in its 69th annual National Merit...
Civil rights activist Dr. Clarence B. Jones delivered his first major speech as the Palmyra High School Class of 1949 valedictorian, urging his fellow...
More than 800,000 New Jersey residents struggle with hunger, according to the organization Feeding America, nearly 200,000 of them children.Â
The Food Bank of South Jersey (FBSJ) in Pennsauken serves...
Since borough commissioners approved extended paid parking hours late last year to include Saturdays, they have been met with pushback from residents who lament...
Events subject to cancellation due to the pandemic. Be sure to check online for status updates.
Saturday, Feb. 24
American Red Cross Blood Drive by American...