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Wine Tasting Benefit June 5

The Moorestown Visiting Nurses & Hospice Wine Tasting Benefit will be held on Saturday, June 5, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at 300 Harper...

Rom honored by Lehigh University

Kevin Rom, a 2007 Moorestown High School graduate, was recently inducted as a Junior Fellow by the Lehigh University P.C. Rossin School of Engineering....

Super spring events

By AUBRIE GEORGE | The Moorestown SunSpring has begun, bringing with it nice weather and plenty of opportunities for Moorestown residents to enjoy themselves....

Budget talks continue

By AUBRIE GEORGE | The Moorestown SunTownship officials have been discussing a 2010 municipal budget that could include a tax decrease for Moorestown residents,...

Farmers Market open in Moorestown

The Burlington County Farmers’ Market is open for its fourth exciting season, and continues offering shoppers an opportunity to stock up on Jersey Fresh...

Obituaries: May 19–25

Donald WillingDecember 20, 2009Age 57 of Stuart, Fla. Donald was a graduate of Moorestown High School Class of 1969, Newberry Business School, Boston, Mass., and...

Letters to the editor: May 19–25

No protection fromsecond-hand smokeIt may surprise many Moorestown residents that they are legally defenseless against the second-hand smoke that pollutes the public library entrance...

Town Hall bids rejected

By AUBRIE GEORGE | The Moorestown SunTownship officials and representatives from Greyhawk Construction are trying to figure out what went wrong after bids for...

Iron Cupcake Challenge May 23

On May 23, professional and amateur cupcake bakers will go head to head in a cupcake throwdown bringing their best recipes before local celebrity...

Events for Wednesday, 5/19 to Wednesday, 5/26

Wednesday, May 19For AllLow and Moderate Income Housing Oversight Committee meeting: North Church Rec Center, 11 West Second St. 7:30 p.m.Moorestown Area Quliters: Mt....

Keep prom memorable for the right reasons

By AUBRIE GEORGE | The Moorestown SunProm and graduation are among the most exciting and memorable of times for high school students, but this...

TweenStyle Board looking for members

Moorestown Mall’s “TweenStyle” board is the region’s first youth ambassador corps for “tweens” aged 11 to 14 years. The mall is recruiting local “tweens”...

Rotarians collecting diapers

One of the greatest needs for a parent and child is diapers. In fact, the average infant uses at least 8–10 diapers every day....

Introduction to Zen course May 15

The Buddhist Sangha of South Jersey announced it will sponsor an “Introduction to Zen: Beginner’s Mind” workshop and day of meditation led by Jules...

Fire district earns $178,500 FEMA grant

Moorestown Fire District №1 was recently notified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security that it was awarded $178,500...

Obituaries: May 12–18

George A. JohnsonMay 1, 2010Age 96 of the Evergreens in Moorestown formerly Haddon Heights. After graduating from Webb Institute in 1936 as a Naval Architect and...

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