Events are subject to cancellation. Check in with the organizer's website and social media for news and updates.
Thursday June 27: Veterans Commission Meeting at...
Events are subject to cancellation. Check in with the organizer's website and social media for news and updates.
Thursday June 27: Family Fun Show at...
Virtua Health plans to expand its support of needy young children and families with the introduction of a second, specially designed vehicle that offers...
The Mantua Township Committee presented - then unanimously approved - a 2024 municipal budget at its June 10 meeting.
This year's budget totals $16,887,044, according...
Deptford Township council recognized and honored the works of two artist groups at its June 10 meeting.
Proclamations went to the Deptford High School jazz...
The Mantua Township Committee honored local artist and resident Jose "Busta" Bustamante with a proclamation at its June 10 meeting for winning the SEI...
As a way to show the township's support for residents who identify as LGBTQ, the Harrison Township Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Advisory (IDEA) Board...
Dear Community Friends,
I’m delighted to report that we adopted Mantua Township’s 2024 municipal budget at our June 10 township committee meeting with no tax...