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• Camden County News

County reporting 27 new COVID cases

Cappelli says unvaccinated persons should take precautions this holiday weekend as mask mandate ends.

County logs 35 new COVID-19 cases

NIne total cases reported in those 19 years of age or younger.

CamCo down to 17 reported COVID cases

County logs more than 220,000 residents who are fully vaccinated to date,

Unphased by COVID, Haddonfield Farmers Market opens for 15th year

Vendors hawk wares on Kings Court for first time since 2019.

Mosquito spraying throughout Camden County Monday May 24

Early Monday morning the Mosquito Control Commission will be in the community spraying and surveilling areas throughout Camden County. During the summer and fall...

Local man offers scholarships to students at area high schools

Awards go to seniors who focus on the Constitution in American life.

CamCo reports 33 new COVID cases

Mass vaccination effort continues to cut into the daily average number of cases over last six weeks.

County logs 35 new COVID-19 cases

“Even with the number of new cases much lower than it has been in recent months, we will need to increase our vaccination rate to maintain this process long term. Reaching herd immunity is our only chance at ending this pandemic once and for all.”

Borough-based organization hands out more COVID-related grants

Sixteen nonprofits in South Jersey receive $155,000 in grant awards.

CamCo announces 52 new confirmed cases

The Camden County Department of Health is announcing 52 additional confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Camden County. This brings the aggregate...

Animal Welfare Association Vet on Wheels returns to Camden City

The Animal Welfare Association is bringing its Vets on Wheels mobile clinic back to Camden City this week. From 3 p.m. to 6 p.m....

County sees 34 cases of COVID-19

The Camden County Department of Health is announcing 34 additional confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Camden County. This brings the aggregate number of...

Paul VI leader wins Rising Sun Lodge No. 15 Educator of the Year

Sr. Marianne McCann was instrumental in keeping Paul VI High School running, and running safely, during the last 14 months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CamCo announces six COVID-19 deaths; 167 new cases between 5/15 and 5/17

'The only way to prevent future flare ups of the virus is for everyone who still hasn’t gotten vaccinated to get their shot. The vaccines are safe, effective, free, and more available than ever.'

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