HomeNewsHaddonfield NewsHaddonfield Memorial High School inducts newest NHS members

Haddonfield Memorial High School inducts newest NHS members

Newest members of the National Honor Society from Haddonfield Memorial High School, on induction night, Nov. 13 (Photo credit: Polly Mitchell/Special to the Sun)

On Wednesday, Nov. 13, Haddonfield Memorial High School inducted the latest class into the National Honor Society inside its auditorium.

With NHS co-advisors Stephanie Lechner and Michelle Pracher looking on, 12 members of the Class of 2020 and 101 members of the Class of 2021 were officially added to the rolls.

Class of 2020

Megan Cutter
Will Gramigna
Katherine Green
George Haitsch
Julia Heslin
Sofia Hoz de Vila
Madison Lavine
Regan Mink​
Mollie Morgan
Sofia Presenza
Katie Warner
Kylie Webb


Class of 2021

Caleb Alvarez
Jake Amons
Audrey Andrus
Charles Annunziata
Emma Barson
Tovah Bass
Thomas Batson
Ella Baylor
McKenzie Blake
Audrey Bogina
Jacob Brandenburg
Kathryn Brubaker
Matthew Carey
Annalise Carlson
Andrew Carney
Luca Caruso
Daniel Cavanna
Andrew Cedar
Salena Chacon
Anna Chung
David Chung
Ava Cottone
Claire DeCencio
Christopher Derivaux
Elias DiMatties
Christopher DiMedio
Katrina Edwards
Jesse Eible Hargro
Evelyn Ellis
Erin Farrell
Maya Feinstein
Elijah Fernands
Ava Fitzgerald
Michael Foley
Anna Forebaugh
Carmryn Fortunato
Josephine Foust
Brynne Gaffney
Emily Gaffney
Lianne Gormley-Devine
Fiona Graham
Celia Graham
Abigail Gramigna
Margaret Greenbaum
Katelyn Hatch
Morgan Heberley
Paige Heine
Mary Herdelin
Olivia Hilgen
Paige Hodges
John Hurly
Andrew Hutchinson
Madeline Isner
Emma Keegan
Eden Kessler
Alexa King
Marc LaProcido
Lamia Lopez
Declan Malcarney
Grace Marino
Kathryn Marthins
Katherine McCormick
Alexandra McDonnell
John McDonnell
Allie McNamara
Amanda Meeker
Alessandro Meucci
Evan Miserendino
Kate Morris
Cara Muller
Mary Murschell
Sarah Naticchia
Arabella Nobel
Daniel Nolan
Sullivan Norton
Jack Nuckols
Georgia Nussey
Griffin Olimpio
Katherine Poliero
Kathryn Potts
Mehki Rippey
Alexander Roseman
Robin Rosen
Chloe Santana
Neda Savova
Jacob Schmitt
Logan Sehdev
Emily Smart
Olivia Stoner
Nina Tan
​Elle (Amelie) Timonen​
Kayvus Trajano
Suzanne Veasey
Leah Verderame
Jenna Walls
Michael Walsh
Dorothy Ware
Payton Weiner
Maya Weko
Mack Wolschina
Nicholas Zafiriadis




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