Voorhees Theatre Company to offer hip-hop dance program for teens and tweens.
Teens and tweens who want to expand their stage repertoire with hip-hop dance, and young performers who’d like to hone their acting skills with a New York City talent agent will find a program to entice them this spring, from the Voorhees Theatre Company.
Hip Hop for the Musical Stage is designed to help performers ages 12 to 18 execute electrifying dance moves to Broadway and Off-Broadway music, so they will be better positioned to nail that next audition. Part of VTC’s Continuing Education Program, the two-week, six-class course will run from 7 to 8:30 p.m. April 24 through May 11. The instructor is Kelsey Makofsky, a competitive hip-hop dancer, Voorhees Theatre Camp instructor, and choreographer of VTC’s recent fall productions of “Mary Poppins and Beauty and the Beast.”
Actors Technique is an intensive, one-day workshop that will teach proven acting methods to ages 7 to 19. Under the instruction of New York child talent agent David Doan, participants will take part in sessions that include musical theater, comedy improv and on-camera work, alongside their peers and with the benefit of instant feedback. Actors Technique will be presented April 2 from noon to 4 p.m.
“Between these two activities, all ages from 7 to 19 can get the guidance and practical experience they need to become more successful in live theater…and translate those skills to other future endeavors off the stage,” said Robin Darrow, publicity chairperson for the Voorhees Theatre Company.
Registration or Hip-Hop for Musical Theatre is $169 for all six classes. Registration for Actors Technique is $159. All classes will take place at the Voorhees Middle School theater, 1000 Holly Oak Drive in Voorhees. To learn more or to register, visit www.voorheestheatre.org.