HomeMedford NewsMedford police seek kind acts and helmets

Medford police seek kind acts and helmets

Courtesy of Medford Township Police Department The Medford Township Police Department and Wheelies Bicycle kicked off an event on Bike Saftey at O’Sweet Savannah’s in June.

Kids wearing their helmets while riding their bikes, scooters and/or skateboards can win a free slice of pizza.

The Medford Township Police Department’s H.A.P.P.Y – Helmets And Police Protecting Youth – program is coordinating with the department’s Community Relations Program, Slices for Safety through Sept. 30.

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The H.A.P.P.Y program encourages township youth to wear their helmets while riding their bikes, scooters, and skateboards. In exchange for their compliance, the youths are issued a “ticket” outlining either their compliance in wearing a helmet or their failure to do so and it includes additional facts concerning helmet safety. The youths are provided a “coupon” from various vendors that entitles them to a prize for willingly wearing a helmet.

The Slices for Safety program seeks out general acts of safety and kindness throughout the community.

Officers observing these acts will contact the parties involved and provide kids with a ticket, similar to the H.A.P.P.Y. ticket. A drawing at the conclusion of the program will identify a “winner” for the H.A.P.P.Y program. Each Slices for Safety ticket will allow for a free slice of pizza at Crust N Fire.


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