The historic Indian King Tavern Museum will be one of the stops on the Haddonfield Holiday House Tour Thursday, Dec. 9. Recently decorated for the holiday season by the award-winning Haddonfield Garden Club, the museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 5 to 10Â p.m.
The annual Holiday House Tour showcases the most elegantly decorated homes in Haddonfield for the holiday season. Admission is $15 in advance and $20 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Haddonfield Fortnightly.
Tickets can be purchased by mailing $15 to Haddonfield Information Center, 2 Kings Court, or coming to the Haddonfield Information Center in person with check, cash or charge. The Center is open seven days a week from noon to 4Â p.m.
Tickets can also be purchased online. For more information, visit www.haddonfieldnj.org/events2.php.