With the cancellation of the borough’s summer recreation program, nervous parents throughout Haddonfield are wondering what’s going to be done with their young charges in the hot, summer months. But wait, what’s that rising up out of the horizon? Why, it’s the Haddonfield School District’s expanded enrichment program, coming to offer children of Haddonfield something to do during their months off from school.
Assistant Superintendent Dyanne Kerecman and other school district representatives released a comprehensive course packet last week for some interesting programs offered for children of Haddonfield.
The programs offered are educational and fun. Registration for the courses run from anywhere between $50 to $300.
The borough’s popular “Tot lot” program, which readies young students who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, will be offered through the enrichment program. Under the enrichment program the class will now be called “K Kids: Getting ready for Kindergarten!”
Board of Education President Steve Weinstein praised the expanded enrichment program and said it would serve the students of Haddonfield well. It will help fill the void of the cancelled summer recreation program.
Mayor Tish Colombi previously said the move will likely save Haddonfield an estimated “five-figures.” The biggest savings, she said, comes from the elimination of the employees and the cost of supplies. This is just another area where residents will feel the results of budget cuts, she said.
“The school district has had a minimal enrichment program for years. This year we began planning an expanded program as part of the larger effort to develop revenue enhancement programs. We were already thinking about expanded educational offerings and sports camps,” he said. “With the changes to the borough program, it became an opportunity to put into action some of the ideas. What is being offered this year is phase one of an expanded Haddonfield Summer Academy providing increased classes and the beginnings of a recreational and sports program.”
The respective youth leagues in the borough will still host the popular summer recreation sports clinics, Mayor Tish Colombi previously said.
Superintendent Richard Perry said the enrichment program will offer several interesting courses for students of all ages in the district.
“New courses include Acting, Dancing, and Singing for the Musical Theatre, Summer Engineering Challenge, Bienvenue: An Introduction to French, German Immersion Camp, Get Ready, Get Set, Go to First Grade, K-Kids: Getting Ready for Kindergarten, Kids in Motion, and Summer Fitness,” He said. “Parents can visit our district Web site for descriptions of these courses and directions on how to register. Our Summer Academy will run from June 20 to July 28, Monday through Thursday.”
To view a complete list of the activities offered through the enrichment program and to register, please visit www.haddonfield.k12.nj.us.