HomeNewsHaddonfield NewsWill Obama create a gas tax?

Will Obama create a gas tax?

Kudos to Commissioner Jeff Kasko, director of revenue and finance, on his message in The Sun on May 4. His message was clear, concise, and to the point. Hopefully, the other commissioners will take turns with the same type of briefings. I was about to echo some questions about our River City tardy road repairs and I noticed the budget has prioritized close to a million dollars for same. My only question now is have we spent the $500,000 collected for open space? If not, why not spend it where it is sorely needed, our roads, and no more Bancroft studies? One pothole spot in that should be on everyone’s fix-it-first list is at the intersection of Haddon and Euclid avenues, close to TD bank.

While we’re passing out kudos, The Sun did a thoughtful piece on the “New Normal” economy the N.J. tax cap has produced. We will survive. Also the cartoon about the air traffic controllers was very timely. I know a little bit about long night flights, and trouble staying awake and I think scheduling and schedule swapping is the culprit.

The capture and dispatch of Bin Laden has brought some strange comments and behavior from the U.N. human relations council, such as our Seals could be cold-blooded murderers. President Obama’s administration has said the helicopter that crashed landed in the Bin Laden compound was destroyed to keep its secrets from falling into the hands of Al Qaeda. Not so folks, the chopper was destroyed to keep the chopper’s secrets from the Pakastanis, where it might find it’s way elsewhere, possibly China.

Stand by for the latest scam from President Obama. They are readying a new tax for each mile you drive whether you drive an electric, gas, or hybrid car. This gang that can’t shoot straight expects to install devices in every vehicle in America to collect the tax. (Never happen in Japan, Joe) There’s no end to how stupid they think we are. It’ll never happen, it’s beyond doing.

Hang in there Philly teams!

Joe Welsh


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