Gun shots or fireworks?
The following incidents can be found on file with the Haddonfield Police Department:
A resident near Christ the King School reported to police on April 5 at 11:32 p.m. that he heard five to six loud bangs, which may have been gunshots, fireworks or car backfires. An officer checked the area with no results.
A resident driving on Grove Street reported to police on April 5 at 10:28 p.m. that her car was egged. There was no damage to the vehicle.
A driver on Mountwell Avenue reported to police on April 5 at 9:55 p.m. that her car was egged. There was no damage to the vehicle.
An employee of a Kings Highway East business reported to police on April 3 at 3:05 p.m. that her black leather wallet was stolen from her purse while she was working. The purse was in the grooming area of the business while she worked. The wallet contained cash, her ID and several credit cards.
A Rhoads Avenue resident reported to police on April 3 at 8:31 p.m. that an unknown man was knocking on her door. Officers arrived on the scene and found the suspect and determined he was trying to serve the resident a subpoena because the home was being foreclosed. The same incident occurred the night before as well. The resident was informed of the officer’s findings.
A Prospect Road resident reported to police on April 3 at 11:01 a.m. that two tires on his vehicle were slashed sometime overnight. The car was located in his driveway during the time of the incident.
A Haddon Avenue business owner reported to police on March 31 at 10:30 a.m. that sometime overnight, an unknown suspect tried to enter his business through a rear door.