The following public notice is from the Borough of Berlin.
Dear Berlin Residents:
Mayor and Council recently learned of a plan by New Jersey Transit Authority (NJTA) and the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) proposing the closure of the railroad crossing on McClellan Avenue. This would virtually cut off a large section of our town from direct access to the remainder of Berlin Borough. Borough residents who reside in the 47 homes in the affected area as well as one commercial business and the Holy Communion Lutheran Church would be significantly impacted by this closure.
Additionally, emergency services such as Police, Fire and EMS response times would be likely delayed. The Governing Body plans to formally give notice that it vehemently opposes this poorly throughout proposal. We are also reaching out to our local legislators to elicit their support and “Stop the Closure”.
On behalf of the entire Governing Body, I would ask that anyone that wishes to express their opposition to either the NJTA and NJDOT and support Mayor and Council’s effort to have this planned closure be reconsidered, kindly forward a letter or e-mail expressing your opposition to the Governing Body as soon as possible. We will pass your thoughts along to those in charge. In the alternative, please e-mail your concerns to the NJTA and NJDOT at the following e-mail addresses:
[email protected]
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Also, please copy our Borough Clerk at: [email protected] so we can keep track of the opposition. The Governing Body is strongly opposed to the closure at McClellan and your assistance is appreciated.
Stop the Closure!
Rick Miller, Mayor
Borough of Berlin