Members of Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 and other veterans and service members are invited to participate in the 19th Annual Veterans Day Program at the Haddonfield Middle School on Tuesday, Nov. 10. Please arrive by 9 a.m.
Haddonfield resident Mary Previte will be the Guest Speaker.
The program will begin in the auditorium and include the Pledge of Allegiance; the “Star Spangled Banner;” introduction of veterans and other guests; remarks by HMS principal Dennis Morolda, teacher John Farrell, and Post 38 Commander Joe McElroy; Previte’s presentation; and “Taps.”
Previte was the daughter of missionaries serving in China in the 1930s. At the time, China and Japan were at war following Japan’s earlier invasion. In December 1941, Previte was just 8-years-old when the Japanese appeared at her school. Her presentation will include her description of living under concentration camp conditions for almost 4 years. She will also include a description of the joy of being rescued in August of 1945 and her subsequent 20-year quest to locate and thank her seven rescuers.
Following the auditorium portion, there will be a luncheon in the library for veterans, service members and others. After lunch, the veterans and service members will visit 7th and 8th grade classrooms for informal discussions with the students. The day’s activities will conclude by approximately 2 p.m.
If you plan to attend, and/or have any questions, please call
Jim McCullough on (856) 429–4421.