Letter to the Editor: Bill Brown

Dear Editor,


These words may be more prophetic than ever imagined.

From the time that the first Haddonfield Japan Exchange students arrived in 2007, and during each year that we had Japanese exchange students visit Haddonfield on alternate years, the school district has provided the school bus to transport the hosting HMHS students and their Japanese guests and chaperones to the various daily activities that the HJE has provided.

The reason that I mentioned that the headlines may be prophetic is that the school district has now informed us that the use of the school bus will no longer be provided without any cost, and that cost has been determined to be $2,500 each year for the twelve day usage from now on. That added expense may mean the end of the HJE Program.

Unlike Japan where the school supports all of the costs involved in hosting, the HJE here in Haddonfield raises the funds needed each year that we have guests from Japan. We are all volunteer committee who spend countless hours of planning and implementing the program with no one receiving a penny for their efforts. We are happy to do this as I know that hundreds of our students have experienced the life-changing experiences by taking part in the exchange program.

We are saddened by the school districts decision, and looking for thoughts on how we can continue given this new hurdle we must face.  We are actively seeking ideas on how we can continue, and would also welcome a more reasonably priced assessment of our district bus use and implore the school district to rethink the fee.

Please contact the HJE, at HJE08033@gmail.com

Bill Brown Founding Director, HJE


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