Dear Community Friends,
Believe it or not, as your mayor, I too actually received a property tax bill and had a bad guy attempt to break into my car all in the same week. Paying taxes and potentially falling prey to crime are both unfortunate, yet equitable and nondiscriminatory circumstances.
All kidding aside, my neighborhood was invaded by a car burglar the other morning at about 4:00 a.m. The thief walked nonchalantly onto my property and attempted to open the doors of all three motor vehicles parked at the top of my driveway. My house is very well lit and has surveillance cameras around the perimeter which caught this “crumb bum” in the act. Not my description of the bad guy, but that of our illustrious MTPD.
We always lock our cars. After spending a career in law enforcement, my family knows the drill. Others weren’t as fortunate. Desperate individuals of this kind do not discriminate and will take advantage of any potential opportunity. Lock your doors, and inevitably you will almost always create a barrier to protect yourself from lawless acts of this kind.
On a positive note, this early morning crook was positively identified by the MTPD and will soon be bought to justice.
On Wednesday, Aug. 14, I attended the recreation committee meeting. The main focus of this meeting was to discuss the final planning of our “Police in the Park” event that is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 19 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Chestnut Branch Park. This event will be our equivalent of Nation Night Out and will have a host of activities for our families. Mark your calendars.
On Thursday, Aug. 15, I was given a comprehensive walking tour of the 18-hole disc golf course at Chestnut Branch Park known as, “Tornado Crossing.” Jim Kiel who spearheaded this project was kind enough to give Park Superintendent, Scott Hellerman and I the tour. Tornado Crossing looks fabulous. It’s ready for play. There is still some minor work to be done. A few of the tee boxes need finishing touches, etc. Our residents are encouraged to visit the course. There’s a practice tee where park goers can give it a whirl.
On Thursday, Aug. 15, we filmed Mayor’s Video #23. In this video, I discuss the recent property tax bills that residents received. I talk about our municipal tax rate that reflects no municipal tax increase the last three out of four years, including this year. I breakdown your property tax bill, and how your taxes are actually disseminated between the municipality, school district(s), fire district, open space and the county. Look for this video in the coming weeks on the township’s social media platforms and our website at mantuatownship.com/mayors-message.
The State’s ANCHOR Property Tax relief program has begun mailing letters to New Jersey homeowners and renters to confirm their automatic eligibility and to provide information to those who may be applying for the first time.
The deadline for those needing to update their information or file a new application is Sept. 15, 2024. The final application deadline is Nov. 30, 2024.
• This year, the Division of Taxation has eliminated the necessity for paper applications and has created a new online application via their website.
• In order to safeguard the online process, applicants may be required to provide an extra level of identity verification and may be prompted to create an account through ID.me
• For questions, visit www.anchor.nj.gov or call the ANCHOR hotline at 609-826-4282.
On Wednesday, Aug. 21 we celebrated the retirement of the Municipal Utilities
Authority’s Executive Director, William M. Krebs. Mr. Krebs began his tenure with the
MUA in 2009 and is retiring on Sept. 30 after 15 years of dedicated service to our township. Krebs is known for being a charismatic, capable and caring leader. Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto and I presented Mr. Krebs with a township proclamation at a retirement luncheon held at the administration building in-front of family, friends and colleagues. Congratulations and best wishes, sir.
Upcoming Township Meetings and Events:
• Thursday, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. is the next Veterans Commission Meeting
• Saturday, Aug. 31 is the next Convenience Center Drop-Off at our Public Works Facility between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
On behalf of Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto, myself and the entire Township Committee, we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.
Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS