Home • Gloucester County News Mantua Mayor’s Message for Aug. 1

Mantua Mayor’s Message for Aug. 1

Dear Community Friends,

We have taken an extremely proactive stance against crime and have been addressing retail theft head-on. The Mantua Township Police Department under Chief Darren White’s leadership has done a phenomenal job arresting the vast majority of those committing these types of criminal acts. 

Our township committee has always stood with law enforcement and provided the necessary resources to get the job done. Did you know that we implemented a lateral transfer program to entice seasoned police officers to come to Mantua from other law enforcement agencies? This has been an effective tool to negotiate compensation based on an individual’s prior law enforcement experience, education/training and a proven track record in pro-active policing, etc. This program has already paid huge dividends and benefitted our no-nonsense approach to law and order.

I want to personally thank our entire police department, and specifically acknowledge Detective Sergeant Rob Layton and Detective Corporal Jeff Krieger for their valiant and tireless efforts in the detective bureau. Safety of our community will always remain paramount. We live in a very safe township, and it will remain that way.

On Tuesday, July 23, we held our third senior dinner of the year. Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto was in attendance. This dinner was moved to the Church of the Incarnation meeting hall as the air conditioning was being replaced at our community center. We had about 110 seniors attend. Three different types of salads were served by Santini’s Pizzeria along with brownies for dessert. Our seniors love Santini’s.

If you’re a Mantua senior, you still have time to register for any of the remaining free dinners scheduled for Tuesdays Aug. 27, Sept. 24 or Oct. 22. Please call Deputy Clerk Pam Levine at 468-1500, ex.113.

It was an absolute honor to be able to stop by and support Kellan Kiernan, eight years old, and his younger brother Everett Kiernan, four years old, at their lemonade stand on Capital Drive this past Monday, July 29. It’s outstanding that so many parents are teaching the next generation of our community how to earn their own money. We have so many future entrepreneurs right here in Mantua, and maybe a future Philadelphia Phillies player in Kellan. Great job, Kristi Kiernan aka Mom.

Our Township’s third quarter property tax bills will be delayed. The printed bills will be mailed-out to our residents within the next two weeks. The Aug. 1 due date will be extended until Tuesday Sept. 20. There will be no grace period for late payments. You can view and pay your third quarter taxes on-line now through the Edmunds System at www.mantuatownship.com or you can pay at the tax collector’s office at the Township’s Administration Building on Main Street.

We are immensely honored to again be the hosting location for Gloucester County’s Patriot Day Ceremony at or beautiful Place of Reflection at Chestnut Branch Park on September 11 at 8:30 am. Each year we gather to remember the nearly 3,000 people who perished during the horrific attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. For Mantua, it’s an opportunity for us to personally reflect on the loss of one of our own, John Rodak, and to support our good friends, Joyce (John’s widow) and his daughters, Devon and Chelsea. John is our hometown Patriot, and the Rodak’s are a huge part of our Mantua family.”

South Jersey Industries (SJI) Utilities, Government Affairs requested that the following information be relayed to our residents. During projects that require outdoor digging on your property, the law requires that you call 811 prior to breaking ground. Sunday Aug. 11, also 8/11, is national 811 day.

Upcoming Township Meetings and Events:

  • Monday, Aug. 5 thru Friday, Aug. 9 (Bulk Trash Week)
  • Saturday, Aug. 10 is the next MTPD Car Seat Safety Checkpoint at the Sewell Fire House between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug. 10 is the next Convenience Center Drop-Off at our Public Works Facility between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • Monday, Aug. 12 at 6 p.m. is the next township committee meeting. 

On behalf of Scirrotto, myself and the entire township committee – we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.  


Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS

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