Cinnaminson High School’s Class of 2024 had its commencement ceremony on June 18 at George D. Paternoster Memorial Stadium, where Principal Ryan Gorman kicked things by advising the students on their futures.
“If I can leave the Class of 2024 with one thought this evening, it would be to continue challenging yourself to grow,” he said. “Since our earliest days, humankind has strived for advancement. From hunters and gatherers to agrarian societies to the industrial revolution, the internet and AI, each generation picks up on the work of the ones before it and it can improve the capacity of the world around them.”
“The time, energy and effort that you have dedicated to developing your skills here at Cinnaminson High School have started a toolbox that you can use to make the world of your dreams,” he added. “Your challenge now is to continue to add the appropriate tools to that kit … “
Valedictorian Samantha Keeports then delivered her address.
“Spending the majority of your time with the same group of people for over a decade, particularly at such a formative time in your life, is a unique experience and I hope you take a moment during or after the ceremony to reflect on that,” she noted. “ … For a while, it seemed as though the Class of 2024’s ‘thing’ was undefined. Many of us spent our freshmen year online and the majority of our sophomore year behind masks, making it difficult to leave a good first impression.
“Nevertheless, or perhaps because of this, we embraced all that Cinnaminson High School offered in our upperclassmen years and (that) were influential in the creation and revival of extracurriculars such as the CHS TV lip dub, affinity groups and the gender equity committee, on top of participating in established clubs and athletics,” Keeports added.
“ … Our class is one not easily defined, but perhaps that is our biggest strength.”
Later in the commencement, school Superintendent Stephen Cappello offered congratulations, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Frank Goulburn recognized award recipients and diplomas were handed out.
But before that, salutatorian Lun Jiang addressed his peers.
“ … Failure sucks; it’s the first worst feeling in the world,” he stated. “Hours of dedication and hard work, all of it can be ruined by a few squeaks here and there. But nevertheless, challenging the conventional is fun, so it’s something I want to keep doing and it’s something I encourage all of you to keep doing as well … We are a small class but we are one that dreams big.
“As such, I’d like to tell you to not fear failure, but to work to conquer failure itself,” Ziang continued. “As we continue our lives and pursue greatness out of this school, we will fail and lose, but as we fail, we only get closer to success. As we take our giant steps far across the country, I hope none of you forget the valuable lessons you’ve learned here.
“Class of 2024, follow your dreams, take chances and go all in to create the new changes of your life.”

Cinnaminson High students ended their time together on a high note on June 18.

Salutatorian Lun Jiang addresses his peers, teachers, family and friends.

Cinnaminson High students ended their time together on a high note on June 18.

Cinnaminson High students ended their time together on a high note on June 18.

Cinnaminson High students celebrate their graduation on June 18. Find a list of graduates on pages …. and more photos on page ….