Committee offers ordinances focused on redevelopment plans

Joseph Metz/The Sun.

The Harrison Township Committee introduced two new ordinances during its June 3 meeting that focus on redevelopment plans.

One would greenlight a project in the area around Cohawkin Road – specifically an open farm field located near Dunkin’ – to build a residential development.

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“There’s a developer interested and (that) has worked with our planners on designing a residential community of single-family homes,” said Mayor Louis Manzo. “It’s a cul-de-sac; I think it’s like 30 lots.”

The mayor added that project plans would be available once the related ordinance was introduced. The lots in question for the development, he explained, will be smaller, ranging from a third to half an acre, no greater than two acres.

The township committee ultimately agreed to send the ordinance to the Joint Land Use Board for approval. A public hearing will take place at the committee’s meeting on Monday.

The second ordinance also focuses on an open farm field, this one on Cedar Road, near the CVS and Pleasant Valley Elementary School. The measure will designate the area as part of the township’s affordable-housing plan.

“Originally, it was just going to be Circle Haven and Project Freedom in Richwood,” Manzo explained. “We made some recent amendments based on their requests. So basically, we would do a combined plan with that.

“Whenever we are designating a spot with anything with affordable housing, it has to already be part of our stated public affordable-housing plan,” he added. “We have a plan approved by the courts where our affordable housing is going to go and how many units will be there in each parcel. This (Cedar Road) is one of those parcels that we execute on.”

The size of proposed lots for that project were not discussed at the recent meeting. The second ordinance was nevertheless approved for introduction, and a resolution was also passed for referral to the Joint Land Use Board.

According to Municipal Clerk Julie Cundey, there is a misprint on the June 3 committee meeting agenda that lists the second ordinance’s public hearing date as July 1, during another committee session. Like the first ordinance, its hearing is scheduled for Monday.

Exact details of both ordinances will be posted on the Harrison Township website at a later date.

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