May 29 to June 5
Happenings at Pinelands Library at 49 Union Street, Medford. For more information about the events listed call 609-654-6113.
May 29 – 2:30 p.m. – Intro to Microsoft Word.
June 3 – 11:30 a.m. – Intro to the Internet.
Atsion Mansion Tours
The Atsion Mansion is open for tours this May! Come see one of the most significant examples of Greek Revival architecture in South Jersey! Never “modernized” with plumbing or electricity, the house stands largely as it did when it was constructed in 1826. Tours are Saturdays and Sundays at 1 and 2 p.m., 45-55 minutes long and begin outside between the mansion and office. Atsion Mansion is located at 744 US 206, Shamong. For more information or to confirm Atsion Mansion tour availability, please call the Atsion Office at (609) 268-0444.
Wednesday, June 5
Tabernacle Land Development Board meeting.
Binkley’s Imagination Station
The Lenape Regional High School District (LRHSD) is proud to partner with Binkley’s 5 and 10 on the creation of Binkley’s Imagination Station. At Binkley’s Imagination Station the SET students will lead story time and a craft or game hour for children between the ages of 3-7 years old, or it can be modified for senior citizens in the community. To register, call the store, at (609) 654-2401, and speak to a store associate.
Summer Sessions – Tuesday’s and Thursday’s
July 9 to Aug. 1
10-11 a.m.
Calling All Local Farms, Junk Yards, Farm centers, and Homeowners. The Tabernacle Rescue Squad is looking for some equipment to use for training we will be hosting later this year. We are currently looking for the following items: Two PTO driven pieces of equipment that will be cut apart and used for us to train on simulated entrapments, and one mid-size or larger tractors that will be rolled over and used for us to train on simulated accidents. If you have any of these and would be willing to donate them to the Tabernacle Rescue Squad, please contact our Rescue Captain David Klotz at [email protected]. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
The 2024 Yearly Required Dog Licenses are now available at the Shamong Township Clerk’s Office – $12 each (spayed/neutered) $15 each (non-spayed/non-neutered). Proof of Rabies Vaccination valid through November 2024 required. For more information with questions call (609) 268-2377 ext. 304.
The Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company serving Shamong Township, is currently conducting a sneaker recycling program. Partnering with Got Sneakers!, they will collect and recycle used sneakers and athletic shoes, and return a small donation per pair to the local fire company.
The program is fairly simple. Collect your used sneakers or athletic shoes (must be a matched pair) and drop them off at one of the following collection sites:
- Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company, 48 Willow Grove Road (lobby open 24/7).
- Shamong Township Municipal Building 105 Willow Grove Road (outside the tax collector window.
- Indian Mills Memorial School 295 Indian Mills Road (front lobby, please refer to the school newsletter for details).
- Indian Mills Elementary School 112 Indian Mills Road (front lobby, please refer to the school newsletter for details).
- Crossroads Church of Shamong, 445 Oakshade Road.
The Fire Company will handle the logistics of getting the sneakers to Got Sneakers!, who will handle recycling and will send a small donation back to the fire company for all qualifying pairs.
If you have any questions please email [email protected].