As borough officials attempted to balance the 2024 municipal budget, they were met with significant increases in trash collection efforts and mandatory obligations.
They included state-mandated stormwater management requirements; general liability insurance, including workers’ compensation and cyberrisk premiums; and mandatory health benefits and pension contributions for borough employees.
The borough is currently transitioning trash collection to in house. Solid waste collection costs increased by $185,048, from $307,395 in 2023 to $492,443 this year. Salaries and wages for the public works department increased by almost $46,777, from $76,801 to $123,578, according to council’s budget.
Despite all this, the $11-million spending plan maintains or expands all existing services and includes a 3% increase for staff, officials said. Council held a public hearing and unanimously adopted the 2024 budget – which increased by $336,167 from last year – at a May 6 meeting.
The budget increases the local municipal tax rate to $1.42407 per $100 of assessed valuation, up about $0.037 over last year. For a home assessed at the borough average of $148,798.50, the increase amounts to $57.14 per year ($14.28 per quarter/$4.76 per month) or 2.77% over last year. This year’s total municipal property tax for a home assessed at the borough’s average is $2,118.99.
Municipal taxes are one item on a property tax bill, which also includes school and county taxes. The budget fully funds the police department at $1.56 million, an increase of $9,157 from last year. The force includes 17 officers, a police clerk and three Class I Special Officers.
The budget also continues funding for the Palmyra Fire Department Volunteer Participation and Stipend Program, which pays firefighters a $150 per-day stipend to staff the firehouse. It is budgeted as a $78,000 annual expense.
The borough used $2 million in fund balance or surplus this year to reduce the local purpose tax; an additional $680,000 was used from the PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) funds from the warehouse construction project on Route 73. The borough receives $1 million a year from the warehouse property owner through the PILOT funds, officials said.
The borough still maintains about $3.8 million in fund balance for use in future years, contributing to the borough’s strong financial position, officials said.
Sewer utility budget
The 2024 Sewer Utility budget stands at just over $2.2 million, with spending on wastewater treatment and operations, debt service, and salaries down from last year’s total of about $2.3 million. Council has also increased the discount seniors can claim to $30 per year.
The Sewer Utility budget maintains or expands all existing services and includes 3% increases for utility employees.