May 1-8
Happenings at Pinelands Library at 49 Union Street, Medford. For more information about the events listed call 609-654-6113.
May 1 – 10:30 a.m. – Preschool Storytime.
May 1 – 4 p.m. – Chess Club.
May 1 – 4-4:45 p.m. (15 min.) – Read to a Dog: Ginger.
May 3 – 10 a.m. – Red Cross Blood Drive.
May 4 – 11 a.m. – Make the 4th! A Star Wars LEGO Buildathon.
May 7 – 10 a.m. – Adult Grab and Go: Floral Tealight Holder.
May 7 – 11:30 a.m. – Intro to Computers.
May 7 – 4 p.m. – Build it!
May 7 – 7 p.m. – Books and Brews.
May 8 – 6 p.m. – Gentle Yoga.
Third Thursday Food Truck
Third Thursday Food Trucks on Main Street from 5-9 p.m.
Wednesday, May 1
EDC meeting at 7 p.m., 49 Union St.
Blood Drives
As May approaches, the American Red Cross reminds eligible donors to keep the blood supply stable by racing to give blood or platelets in the weeks to come. Donors of all blood types – especially type O blood donors and those giving platelets – are crucial to keeping shelves fully stocked with blood products throughout the month.
May 3 – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Pinelands Library.
May 9 – 2-7 p.m. – Medford United Methodist Church, 2 Hartford Road.
May 14 – 2-7 p.m. – Medford Masonic Lodge 178, 25 Bank St.
Saturday, May 4
The Compassionate Friends Therapeutic Riding Center, an equine assisted therapeutic riding program for individuals with special needs, will hold a Derby Day fundraiser from 5-10 p.m. at Lake Pine Colony Clubhouse, 2 Chestnut Road. For more information visit www.CRTRC.org.
Monday, May 6
Medford Township Board of Education at 7 p.m., Kirby’s Mill School, 151 Hartford Road.
Tuesday, May 7
Lenape Regional High School Board of education meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., 93 Willow Grove Road, Shamong.
Saturday, May 11
The Lenape High School Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club and Wellness Center is partnering with Prevention Plus of Burlington County to host the 2nd Annual Lace Up Against Stigma 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk at 9 a.m. at Lenape High School, 235 Hartford Road. Lace Up Against Stigma aims to empower individuals and families to access the care and support they deserve without shame or guilt. Proceeds from this fundraiser will directly benefit Burlington County community members by supporting evidence-based prevention education programs throughout the county. Additionally, Prevention Plus will donate to Lenape’s SADD Club in support of their efforts to promote healthy decision making among youth.
The Pinelands Garden Club
The Pinelands Garden Club meets at the United Methodist Church, 2 Hartford Road, Medford at 9:30 a.m. Visitors and new members are welcome. The next meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Monday, May 13. The program will be Gardening in Deer Country. There will be a discussion of deer, the plants that they least prefer, and strategies for keeping them from dining in your garden. Visitors and new members are welcome.
Saturday, May 18
The Department of Public Works Shredding Day from 8 a.m. to noon, DPW Yard, 2 Commonwealth Dr. (behind Boby Meyer Park).
By May 26
Junior Police Academy applications must be turned in by May 26. The academy is set to run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 15-19 with a graduation ceremony on the final day.
The township is offering garden plots at Freedom Park, which it has done since the park opened in 1997.
Located in the area of the park near the pickleball courts and skatepark, each plot is approximately 25 feet by 25 feet, but due to the large demand, plots can be divided into halves and quarters for those who prefer a smaller plot.
Water is available, but gardeners are responsible for providing seeds, plants, hoses and fencing. Plots will be assigned according to the order in which the applications are received. If you are a returning gardener, you are given the first opportunity to claim your space year after year.
For more information contact the Manager’s Office at (609) 654-2608 ext. 330 or email [email protected].
Street light out?: Have you noticed a street light out in your neighborhood? Please help us by reporting this to your power company. You can report it online or call the power company directly! Please use the below links or call today!
PSE&G Report Street Light Outage: https://psegnj.streetlightoutages.com/public/default.html or call 1 (800) 436-PSEG (1134)
Atlantic City Electric Report Street Light Outage: https://atlanticcityelectric.streetlightoutages.com/… or call 1 (800) 833-7476
Attention fellow Shawnee High School 1974 classmates: You were part of the first class to go all four years at the (then) brand new high school and graduate in June 1974. Although 50 years have passed, you still have the opportunity to be first when it comes to another class milestone. The 50th reunion of the Class of 1974 will take place on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28. There will be a tailgating event at Shawnee on Friday, Sept. 27 as the Renegades take on arch-rival Lenape at 6 p.m. And yes, the Shawnee-Lenape game is no longer on Thanksgiving Day, but is still a conference battle of neighborhood schools. An informal dinner/social event will be held Saturday, Sept/ 28 from 6-10 p.m. at the Medford Village Country Club on Himmelein Road. Contact classmates Patricia Bisignano D’Andrea at [email protected] or Debby Norton Terry (904) 708-7779 to reserve your spot for these memorable events.
Medford Township School District is hiring in areas of administration, assistants and substitutes, custodial/maintenance, elementary school, food services, and special education. For more information visit www.medford.k12.nj.us.
Medford Township is offering businesses and residents an opportunity to sponsor new banners for Main Street. This project originated with the Woman’s Club of Medford in 2015. Now, after eight years of proudly being displayed, it’s time to replace them. Each banner will include the name of the sponsor and will be attached to the light poles along Main Street. For information visit the township’s Facebook page or contact the Clerk’s Office at (609) 654-2608 ext. 330.
Helping Hand Grief Support meets Mondays at Fellowship Alliance Chapel from 7-9 p.m. Meetings are hybrid with in-person at our church facility, and via Zoom Communications at the same time. Additional information can be found at: http://helpinghandgriefsupport.org or email: [email protected].