Dear Community Friends,
Serving our community as a whole, and working for each of you gives our township committee a great deal of gratification. Enhanced communication and transparency has been a continued main focus throughout my tenure as your mayor. I’m extremely proud of Mantua Township, and want to ensure that the important information that encompasses our great community is constantly being disseminated to you in a timely fashion.
Links to all my weekly mayor’s messages and periodic mayor video updates can be found on our social media platforms and on our website at mantuatownship.com/mayors-message. Our quarterly newsletters can also be found on our website as well at mantuatownship.com/government/township-newsletters.
The current Mantua Township Committee has partnered with Rowan University for over a decade to help bring the Jean & Ric Edelman Fossil Park to fruition and to put our community on the map. Its official opening is now slated for this summer.
As an added bonus, did you know that Mantua will in-fact generate $623,000.00 in total revenue from this project over a 10 year period? That’s right, this includes $203,000.00 for the sale of the property back in 2019, plus $420,000 for the 10 year municipal impact fee which started in 2016.
We’re certainly honored to be the home of this world class museum that has produced 66 million year-old marine fossils. Looking forward to great things this summer right here in our own backyard.
On Saturday, April 13, I stopped by the free shredding event sponsored by the township at the municipal complex on Main Street. Many residents took advantage of this service which is always a favorite especially for those doing their spring house cleaning. Due to the unusually long lines, traffic was seemingly a bit of a problem. I spoke with the police department’s administration, and in the future we’ll be providing traffic control by the MTPD to mitigate the traffic congestion.
I also had the opportunity to swing by the Mantua Township Fire District on April 13 for the MTPD’s Child Seat Safety Program. I’d encourage all those with young children to have your car seats inspected, and to have the officers check to ensure proper installation. This program is held the second Saturday of each month from 10 am until 2 pm at our Fire Station located at 155 E. Union Ave. in the Sewell section of town.
On Wednesday evening, April 17, I attended the recreation committee meeting. We are putting the final touches on the May 4, “Pups in the Park” event at Chestnut Branch Park and gearing-up for our Senior Picnic on June 12. Other township events that are in the works are the MTPD’s, “Police in the Park” event on September 19 and the Winter Festival on December 5. Please save these dates, and be on the lookout for updates on our social media platforms and township website, etc.
We are currently hiring certified full-time police officers. Starting salary is $54,000.00 and the deadline to apply is April 30 at 11:59 pm. For further information please contact the MTPD at [email protected].
MTPD will host its very first K-9 golf outing at the Pitman Golf Course on Monday, July 22 with a 12:30 p.m. registration. Our K-9 unit is funded almost solely through donations and fundraising efforts, and not by taxpayer dollars. The outing will be followed by a buffet dinner at Bogey’s at 6 p.m. For more information and to sign-up and support our K9 unit please go to mantuapolicek9unit.rsvpify.com.
The Gloucester County Department of Health & Human Services – Division of Human & Special Services, County Municipal Alliance Coordinator, and the Board of County Commissioners join the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) proclaimed April of 2024 as Alcohol Awareness Month and declared April 19 as “Wear Purple Day” in Gloucester County.
Upcoming Township Meetings and Events:
- Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m. is the next Veterans Commission Meeting.
- Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. is the next Convenience Center Drop-Off at our Public Works Garage.
- VFW Community Awards Ceremony is Saturday, April 27 at 6 p.m. at the VFW Post 7679 on Main Street.
On behalf of Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto and myself, and the entire Township Committee – we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.
Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS