Council passes municipal budget for 2024

Joseph Metz/The Sun

Deptford council has passed a municipal budget for 2024, a financial plan focused primarily on municipal taxes for items with fixed costs.

Among such items are state health benefits and salaries, both of which increased this year, according to Mayor Paul Medany. Budget funds cover expenses for the township’s departments – such as parks and recreation – and money for public safety through emergency services and management.

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Exact costs for the budget were not provided at the meeting, but Medany did elaborate on them.

“We have tax appeals coming in now,” he explained. “Salaries and benefits have gone up this year. Street lighting in Deptford costs $500,000 a year, which surprises a lot of people. The average home local purpose tax costs $1,627 a year for residents, around $135 a month. It’s less than your average cable bill.”

“We’re only a percent of the taxing entity,” he added. “Twenty-five% of taxes goes to local municipal government. The rest goes to the county, state and library. It’s a challenge to try and explain that we’re approximately 25 cents on the dollar (of taxes), which goes to different services.”

Medany noted that the overall municipal budget has provided some financial stability to township residents and helps to increase overall municipal services in the community.

“We really strive for a stable tax relief,” the mayor noted. “We actually increase municipal services each year. In the last 10 to 12 years, there has been little to no increase (in taxes). There was a slight increase this year (and) the home local purpose tax went up $58.”

No residents raised concerns about the budget during the meeting, so council voted unanimously to pass it. Council’s vote involves a tag team of members and township Chief Financial Officer Kimberly Kwasizur, who was at the session.

“Our CFO crafts the documents while the figures for it are produced by the council,” Medany said. “She does a great job every year. She works really hard when it comes to the budget.”

The next council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday, May 6, at the municipal building courtroom.

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