District names teachers, other school awardees

The Mantua school district announced awards for district’s teachers, educational service professionals (ESP) and staffers of the year at its April 8 board meeting.

There were nine winners, with three for each category to represent the three elementary schools in the district, Centre City, J. Mason Tomlin and Sewell. Staff members are identified in the district as general aides; custodians; cafeteria workers; nurses; and secretaries, among other positions.

The winners in each category from Centre City are teacher Elizabeth Dunlap, ESP Dana Byrne and general aide Coleen Martone. Tomlin winners are fifth grade teacher Edward Pietrzak, ESP Lisa Kammerer and general aide Karen Collinsworth. Sewell Elementary winners are kindergarten teacher Alex Osborne, ESP Michelle Gentile and general aide LeeAnn Chew.

The principals of each school – Centre City’s Jennifer Cavalieri, Tomlin’s Christine Connelly and Sewell’s Katelyn Donocoff – introduced the winners and gave short speeches about each of them, including why they earned their awards.

“This is an exciting time each and every year where we get to recognize and honor teachers and staff members who truly rise above to serve the students of our community,” Cavalieri noted. “Seated here tonight is an outstanding representation of educational dedication and I’m proud to serve along each of you.”

“As Mrs. Cavalieri mentioned earlier, recognizing teachers and staff members for their dedication and hard work is a very special time in the school year for us,” Connelly explained.

Each winner was voted on by coworkers whose comments were read during the principals’ speeches. Words and phrases used to describe the honorees included “exceptional educator,” “receptive,” “noteworthy level of dedication” and “maintains a positive attitude,” among others.

The winning teachers and ESPs each received framed certificates, while staffers earned special plaques. Handing out the awards were school Superintendent Christine Trampe and board President Lori Kroeger.

“This is a packed house, which we love seeing,” Trampe observed. “Not only did we have a solar eclipse, and a game we’re going to go home and watch tonight, but we also have a ton of award winners as well.”

The next Mantua board of ed meeting is at 7 p.m. on Monday, May 6, at Centre City.


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