‘Shake it off’ and grab a book

Indian Mills School celebrates Read Across America

The sound inside the gymnasium recently at Indian Mills School became deafening as the staff – in rock star outfits – sang “Read All Day,” a parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off.”

It marked the culmination of Read Across America, launched in 1998 by the National Education Association (NEA) and guided by a committee of educators, according to the NEA.

The pre-K to fourth grade students were jumping up and down, singing and giving their teachers high-fives during the staff’s performance.

Photo Courtesy of Indian Mills School

Read Across America is the nation’s largest celebration of reading in the month of March. The year-round program focuses on motivating children and teens to read, through events; partnerships; and reading resources that are about everyone, for everyone.

At Indian Mills, students participated in theme days that led up to the culmination of Read Across America at the beginning of March. Monday’s theme – “Reading takes you places” – had students and staff wear shirts from places they visited or would like to visit. They also brought in a favorite book to school.

Tuesday’s theme – “Together Everyone Achieves More/TEAM Day” – found students and staff in their favorite sport shirt. Wednesday’s “We Are Family” featured school family spirit wear and the school colors of green and white.

For Thursday’s theme – “Curl Up With a Good Book” – students and staff wore comfy pajamas to school and for Friday’s “Read like a Rockstar” theme, they dressed like rock stars or wore their favorite band shirts.

Throughout the week, students from Indian Mills Memorial School and guest readers from the community read to the students.

Photo Courtesy of Indian Mills School

The pre-K to fourth grade students also participated in a poster contest with the theme “Reading Can Take You Anywhere,” and participated in Drop Everything and Read, where students and staff sat in the hallways and read for 15 minutes.


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