Cub Scouts host pancake breakfast for residents

Cub Scout Pack 7045 hosted its annual pancake breakfast for Mantua residents at the Masonic Lodge on the morning of March 9.

Serving were members of the pack and some of their parents. The all-you-can-eat breakfast will help support and fund activities for the Scouts, known collectively as a unit, according to pack committee member Laura Bocchicchio.

“And when I say support our unit, I would like to stress that our program is volunteer run by all the adult leaders and active members of our unit,” she explained. “With running a unit program like this, we like to keep our cost as low as possible to all families in the community (so) all youth (are) able to participate.

“In order to keep from asking for an increase in monetary fees for the yearly dues for our program,” she added, “we try to offset some of the cost by fundraising throughout the year.”

Pack volunteers cooked and waited tables at the breakfast. Dozens came out to show their support, among them Mayor Robert Zimmerman and Committeewoman Eileen Lukens.

“It’s always great for our township committee to be able to support pack 45 and our local scouts,” Zimmerman noted. “We even brought some of our seniors over on the township bus to enjoy a morning out …”

Bocchicchio. thanked members of the Mantua community at the event for supporting the pack. She pointed out that their support enables Scouts to practice and hone their skills in helping other residents.

“Our community offers us the ability to practice our leadership roles and skills, whilst still able to proceed a small amount to contribute to our unit,” Bocchicchio said. “We use these funds to help purchase belt loops/pins and advancements that the youth earned on their Scouting journey, as well as to provide additional funds for activities to help them earn these achievements.”

The pack hosts other fundraisers and collection drives through the year, including placement of American flags at military gravesites and a Scouting for Food collection every fall.

“We thrive off of the continued support of the community and look forward to many successful years with our program,” Bocchicchio said.


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