The Moorestown Improvement Association (MIA) will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, March 14, at the Community House of Moorestown at 7 p.m. The free gathering is open to the public.
The evening’s program will focus on the restoration, beautification and ongoing maintenance of Remembrance Park. Located on the corner of Camden Avenue and West 2nd Street, the park was purchased and landscaped in 1909 by the MIA. Eight years later, the property was gifted to the township to remain a park and was dedicated to the memory of seven Moorestown residents who gave their lives in World War I. An oak tree was planted, and a stone monument was placed there.
The program will include guest speakers and visual presentations on how attendees can support the continued restoration of the park, leading to a rededication ceremony planned for later this year. Anyone who has been involved in creating the art, sculpture and landscaping at the park is welcome to share their experiences at the meeting.
For more information on the MIA, visit www.moorestownimprovement.org.