Easter egg hunt hops into township

The event also aims to donate food to food bank.

The Harrison Township Recreation Commission will host its free Easter egg hunt at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 23, at William Wilt Soccer Complex.

The free event will kick off at 11 a.m. with the arrival of the Easter bunny on a township fire truck. The hunt will begin with kids ages 2 and under, followed by participants from 3 to 5, those ages 6 and 7 and those 8 and up.

Guests must bring their own egg baskets. After the hunt, the Easter bunny will remain inside the park’s gazebo to pose for free pictures with families.

“I think it’s great,” said Recreation Coordinator Sharon Chew of the event. “We see a lot of families from our summer programs and our swim classes. Kids get to meet up with their friends from school.

“It really brings the community together and it’s just a great community event.”

The recreation commission is also partnering with the food bank Your Place at The Table (YPATT), which will accept donations before and after the hunt at the Trinity Methodist Church in Mullica Hill.

Items most needed are boxes of flavored oatmeal, cereal (no Cheerios), jelly, instant mashed potatoes, canned chicken, mac n’ cheese, applesauce and boxed white rice. The food bank has previously joined the recreation commission at other events such as the annual Halloween parade.

“It’s a free event but we do ask that people support YPATT and bring donations,” said Chew. “We ask them what they need before the event and try to collect donations for them. The recreation commission supports our local food bank, with food donations at both our Easter egg hunt and Halloween parade.

“These two events are free to the community and it’s a way for the community to give back to others in need.”

The Easter Egg hunt is sponsored by both the Harrison police and fire departments, with members of both expected to be in attendance for the event. Rain date is Sunday,, March 24.


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