Feeding for funds: Richwood UMC hosts chicken pot pie dinner

The annual chicken pot pie dinner at Richwood United Methodist Church (UMC) will return to feed residents in Mullica Hill on Saturday, March 16, at the church’s Fellowship Hall across the street.

The event raises money to fund the church and its yearly activities. This year’s version is the second in person since COVID.

“The meal will feature old-fashioned crusted pie or chicken with noodles, all homemade, veggies, salads and dessert,” said Church Administrator Mildred Herman. “The original noodle recipe, from the old Hilltop Restaurant in Mullica Hill, was tweaked some by our church cooks, and is now their secret.”

More than 400 meals prepared by volunteers are expected to be served, according to Herman, and guests will have the choice between in-person dining and takeout.

“I think we did our first pot pie dinner close to 20 years ago,” Herman recalled. “Our chicken pot pie dinner is one of the big fundraisers of the year for the church. “… Many people seem to enjoy meeting up with old friends and chatting for a while as they eat.”

To reserve a spot, guests are strongly encouraged to purchase a ticket in advance by Sunday, March 10, at the church, the Candy Box on Lambs Road in Pitman or by calling the church office at (856) 589-0874. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

Dinner hours are 3 to 6 p.m. and children under 5 eat free. Further information can also be had by calling the church office.

This dinner is one of the church’s food-based fundraisers this year. It hosts the annual peach festival every year toward the end of summer and a cookie sale, along with a holiday bazaar, in December.

To volunteer or for more on church events, call (856) 229-2473.


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