Mantua Mayor’s Message for Feb. 22

Dear Community Friends,

Mayor’s Message Video 17 was filmed at J, Mason Tomlin (JMT) School on Friday, Feb. 16 with our own hometown celebrity, Brenna Weick. Brenna, who was born and raised here in Mantua Township was crowned Miss New Jersey in 2016 and is currently a general assignment reporter with NBC 10 in Philadelphia. Brenna talks about what it was like growing-up in Mantua Township and discusses being a role model for young women. Look for this video over the next couple weeks on our social media platforms and on our township website at

On Thursday, May 21, I attended the monthly recreation committee meeting. Our first senior picnic has been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 12 from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at the municipal building parking lot on Main Street. Our police department will be hosting their equivalent to National Night Out on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. (rain date Thursday, Sept. 26).

I’d like to discuss misinformation that is circulating about the proposed GCL (Glassboro-Camden Line) and Quiet Zones.  

For starters, the Mantua Township Committee has already passed a resolution that specifically supports and endorses the will of the people who voted on the non-binding referendum question that was placed on the ballot back on Nov. 7, 2023 with 68.45% being the majority of the voters who opposed the construction of this project. 

To be clear, this was a non-binding ballot question to ascertain the pulse of our community by way of the voters in this election. We unanimously voted to pass this resolution at our township committee meeting on Dec. 18, 2023.

To clear-up other misinformation relating to quiet zones. The Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) has advised that, “Unlike other projects of this nature, where the municipality or county owns and maintains quiet zone equipment, the equipment for quiet zones associated with the GCL project will be owned, funded, installed and maintained by the project and not the municipalities or county.” In other words, according to the DRPA, adding quiet zones would be of no cost to our resident taxpayers. And if this project does come to fruition, I do in fact support quiet zones in Mantua Township and have stated this on more than one occasion in public meetings.

We have also been advised by our insurance professionals that there is no insurable interest to the municipality relative to the proposed GCL project, and there will be no reason to procure liability insurance for this project from the municipality’s standpoint.  Therefore, there should be no insurance costs to our local tax payers relating to this potential railroad project or its crossings, etc.

The township committee will continue to relay any, albeit the limited information that is being provided to us from the GCL project team. We ask that you get factual based information from the sources that provide oversight to the project. Whether you’re supportive or against the GCL proposed project, you should express your opinions, either way, to a higher authority whether it be the Governor’s Office, State Legislatures of LD3, GCL Project team or the DRPA, etc. These are the ones who have direct control over the decision making process, not our township committee.

The flagpole at Chestnut Branch is currently inoperable and the U.S. flag is not flying at this time.  We are in the process of making arrangements to have it repaired and operational asap.

There are large tire ruts in the dirt pathway at Ceres Park.  This occurred as the result of our work township vehicles or equipment accessing the park while assisting the GC Utilities Authority.  We are working to get this repaired asap.

Upcoming Township Meetings and Events:

  • Public Works Convenience Drop Off is open on Saturday, Feb. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • There will be a Rabies Clinic on Saturday, March 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at our Public Works Garage. Our municipal offices will also be open during this time for pet licensing.

On behalf of Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto, myself and the entire township committee – we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership. 


Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS


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