On the hunt: Treats for kids at Easter event

Deptford will celebrate the arrival of Easter during a free egg hunt for kids at the Deptford Community Center on Saturday, March 23.

Start times for the hunt will vary based on age. Kids 3 and under will begin at 9:30 a.m., those 4 to 6 will start at 9:50 a.m. and those 7 to 9 will begin at 10:10 a.m. The event is rain or shine, but may take place inside the community center depending on the weather.

“It’s a yearly event we do and it’s one of the best events of the year,” said Mayor Paul Medany. “The reason it’s earlier this year is because Easter comes early … at the end of March. (The 31st.) It’s fun, since you see all these little kids get involved and they always get so excited for it.”

While the event is free, participants will need to bring their own Easter baskets. Kids will also get free candy once each age group’s hunt concludes. The Easter Bunny will also be around to greet participants and pose for free 4-by-6 photos.

“Events like this help bring the community together,” noted Medany, who will be on hand at the hunt along with other officials. “It brings families together to spend time with each other. Kids get out of the house, and it lets people meet their elected officials. They may not get the chance otherwise.”

The Easter egg hunt is the first outdoor event held by the township in the new year and will coincide with the beginning of spring. Other major outdoor events set for the season are and Earth Day cleanup on Saturday, April, 20 and the Memorial Day parade on Sunday, May 26.

The activities are planned by the township’s parks and recreation department, which got praise from Medany for making events like the Easter hunt a reality. That activity was previously held at Memorial Park, formerly known as Fasola Park.

“Our (parks and) recreation department does a fantastic job of putting together these events,” Medany noted. “They work hard and they help bring the Deptford community together with these events.”


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