Burlington County launches grant program to help military and veteran-owned businesses

Veteran-owned and military personnel-owned businesses located in Burlington County can now apply for a grant up to $20,000 to assist them with their economic recovery and growth.

The Burlington County Military and Veteran-owned Business Grant Program launched this month and is now accepting applications from eligible businesses. The program was created by the Burlington County Commissioners to assist businesses owned by veterans or active-duty, Reserve or National Guard service members. 

A total of $500,000 of Burlington County’s American Rescue Plan Act funding has been dedicated to the program.

To be eligible for a grant, businesses must meet the following criteria:

  • Located in Burlington County;
  • Majority ownership (51 percent or more) must be a veteran or military service member, including members of the Reserve or Guard forces;
  • Have incurred a COVID related loss or hardship

Applications are now being accepted and awards will be made on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted. The county contracted with Community, Grants, Planning and Housing to help administer the grant program so applications are thoroughly reviewed, and awards made quickly.

For more information about the program and how to apply, visit https://www.co.burlington.nj.us/2063/VeteranMilitary-Owned-Business-Grants or call (609) 755-5711 or email [email protected].


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