Super Bowl Sunday is Feb. 11. That means it’s hoagie time in the township.
The annual Helping Hands hoagie sale “started simply as a way to get kids involved – at the start, just the middle-school kids – with having some children and their families benefit from the money raised,” said Charlie Doud, president of the Washington Township Education Foundation (WTEF), which helps sponsor the hoagie sale.
“The sale at the beginning was just pre-orders or walk ups,” he explained. “Then in 2005, we included all the high-school kids and began selling remotely, which increased our sales dramatically.”
This year marks 30 years for the successful and treasured tradition. Ron Lucarini founded it, and Doud jumped on board in 2005.
“As far as evolving, aside from the remote sales and garnering more sponsors, the basic blueprint really hasn’t shifted,” Doud noted of the tradition’s start. “Get the kids, teachers and town involved to benefit families that have been hit hard by serious medical issues.”
Student and staff volunteers will team at Washington Township High School to build and sell the one-foot Italian hoagies – and 36-piece trays – in support of the district’s signature fundraiser.
“It is a massive undertaking, but well worth the work involved for sure,” Doud said.
Organizers are asking all parents, students, staff, and community members to get involved in the fundraiser. The easiest way to take part is to purchase a hoagie. This year, they’re going for $10 each, with 36-piece hoagie trays that feed 10 to 12 people at $60.
Donations and sponsorships are also welcome. Donations can be made to the foundation’s Venmo account (@WT-ED-FOUNDATION) or by using the hoagie form on the district’s website at www.wtps.org.
This year’s sale has a new angle; Each pre-ordered hoagie will earn its buyer a raffle ticket, and a random lottery will offer prizes from local businesses in and around the township. All pre-orders submitted by Feb. 8 are eligible for the drawing.
Hoagies and trays can be picked up at the high’s school’s Ganttown Road entrance from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 11. All checks should be made payable to the Washington Township Education Foundation and mailed to Doud at 206 East Holly Ave. in Sewell, 08080.
For any questions, contact Theresa Saponara at [email protected], Doud at [email protected] or Heather Finn at [email protected].Â