The Voorhees Township Police Department will host its 6th Citizens’ Police Academy. The very popular program will begin on Thursday, March 7, and participants will meet on most Thursday nights from 6:30PM-8:30PM, concluding with a graduation ceremony on May 9, 2024. The training will take place at the Police Headquarters and several off-site locations. This course will offer our residents an inside exclusive look at the training and behind-the-scenes activities that make the Voorhees Police Department function in a professional, effective and efficient manner on a daily basis.
The course will cover:
Firearms Simulator Training
Crime Scene Investigation/Mock Crime Scene
A tour of our Police Headquarters
Patrol/Investigations Bureaus
K-9 Unit demonstrations and meet and greet with our police dogs
Police use of force/ Police Stress
Central Communications Center (911) Tour
Traffic Unit/mock car stops
Internal Affairs/Body Worn Cameras
Community Affairs/School Safety/Domestic Violence
This course will host approximately 30 Voorhees residents, ages 18 and over. Applicants will be required to successfully pass a background examination including warrant, NCIC, driver’s license checks and NJ and Interstate Criminal History checks. Those who are accepted will be notified via email. Selected applicants will also need to complete a waiver of liability form. The deadline for applications is Monday, Feb. 19 at 5pm.
For more information, please contact Sergeant Eric Camm at [email protected] or by phone 856-882-1104.