Berlin Borough Council: January 2024- Meets the first Thursday of every month at 4:30 PM in the Berlin Borough conference room at 700 North Street, Berlin, to deliberate agency business per the following schedule for the 2024 calendar year.
January 3, 2024-6:30pm Reorganization meeting
The Berlin Borough Board of Education has established the fourth Wednesday of the month for regular meetings. The meetings will be held in the Berlin Community School Media Center or Cafeteria, located at 215 S. Franklin Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009.
Board Meeting- 1st Wednesday, 7pm; Dinner Meeting- 3rd Wednesday, 7pm Board Meeting -Berlin Fire Station (members only) Dinner Meeting- The Avenue Diner
January 10, 2024-The Municipal Authority of The Borough of Berlin Meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM in the Berlin Borough conference room at 700 North Street, Berlin, to deliberate agency business per the following schedule for the 2024 calendar year.