Nov. 22-29
Happenings at Pinelands Library at 49 Union Street, Medford. For more information about the events listed call 609-654-6113.
Nov. 27 – 10 a.m. – Children’s Grab and Go Craft: Handprint dinosaur.
Nov. 27 – 10:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. – Tumblin’ Tots.
Nov. 27 – 4 p.m. – Chess Club.
Nov. 27 – 6 p.m. – Mindfulness Meditation.
Nov. 28 – 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. – Baby and Toddler time.
Nov. 28 – 4 p.m. – Lego Club.
Nov. 29 – 10:30 a.m. – Storytime with Mr. Rick.
Wednesday, Nov. 22
Shamong Rent Control meeting cancelled.
Nov. 23-24
Shamong, Southampton, and Tabernacle Municipal offices closed for Thanksgiving.
Monday, Nov. 27
Tabernacle Township Committee meeting at 6:30 p.m., 163 Carranza Road.
Southampton Historic Society Board meeting at Old Town Hall
Tuesday, Nov. 28
Tech help at Shamong Township from 10 a.m. to noon – 105 Willow Grove Road.
Indian Mills Historical Society meeting at 7:30 p.m., 105 Willow Grove Road, Shamong.
Blood Drive
Donations are critical to the blood supply as the holiday season draws near – a time when blood donations often decline. Now is a great time to give again for those who haven’t donated blood in a while. It’s also the perfect time to try donating for the first time!
Nov. 30 – 1-6 p.m., Crossroads Community Church, 445 Oakshade Road.
Friday, Dec. 1
Tabernacle Township will be hosting its annual Holiday Tree Lighting at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 163 Carranza Road. Everyone is encouraged to bring their letters to Santa so they can place them in Santa’s Mailbox.
Vincentown Village Christmas tree lighting at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 1 on Main Street. Musical performances by Southampton Township School: Vincentones and Jazz band. Santa will arrive on the fire truck.
Sunday, Dec. 3
Lunch with Santa and Holiday Craft Show, 16 Race St., Vincentown. Vendors wanted. There will be activities for the kids, several photo ops, meet Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, her elves, The Grinch and The Whoville characters, live reindeer, hot dogs, snacks, hot cocoa, cold drinks and cookies. For more information email [email protected].
Strong Bones and Balance – a free one-hour class that will be held Tuesdays, Dec. 5 and 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 1 Winchester Court, Tabernacle.
Through End of Year
After 100 years of service, the Sally Stretch Keen Memorial Library in Vincentown needs your help. Some crucial repairs to our historic building will keep our books dry and our doors open. To make this happen, we applied for and won a matching New Jersey Historic Trust Grant. This is a real honor. It means the Trust recognizes the importance of our building’s architecture, history, and role as your community library. We are thrilled to be preserving our historic building, but a matching grant means that we need our community to help us raise our share after the grant award, which is $57,000. The library is holding a brick fundraiser. Orders have been extended to the end of year. For more information call (609) 859-3598.
The Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company serving Shamong Township, is currently conducting a sneaker recycling program. Partnering with Got Sneakers!, they will collect and recycle used sneakers and athletic shoes, and return a small donation per pair to the local fire company.
The program is fairly simple. Collect your used sneakers or athletic shoes (must be a matched pair) and drop them off at one of the following collection sites:
- Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company, 48 Willow Grove Road (lobby open 24/7).
- Shamong Township Municipal Building 105 Willow Grove Road (outside the tax collector window.
- Indian Mills Memorial School 295 Indian Mills Road (front lobby, please refer to the school newsletter for details).
- Indian Mills Elementary School 112 Indian Mills Road (front lobby, please refer to the school newsletter for details).
- Crossroads Church of Shamong 445 Oakshade Road.
The Fire Company will handle the logistics of getting the sneakers to Got Sneakers!, who will handle recycling and will send a small donation back to the fire company for all qualifying pairs.
If you have any questions please email [email protected].