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Moorestown Calendar


Mah Jongg at 1 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Crafternoon: Monthly craft project for adults at 1 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Join the library each month to work on a craft inspired by projects found on Creativebug, an online database of craft projects that can be accessed for free with a library card. This month participants will be making watercolor greeting cards. Sponsored by the Friends of Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

“The Life of Albert Einstein” at 7 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. This presentation examines the life of the man whose name has become synonymous with “genius.” Learn how a childhood fascination with a compass played a role in the development of the Nobel prize-winning scientist, how he accepted a job in Princeton to escape Nazi Germany and how he used his celebrity to advocate for civil rights and advance world peace. This program is presented by Eve Mandel, Director of Programs and Outreach at the Historical Society of Princeton. Sponsored by the Friends of the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Virtual meditation circle at 7:30 p.m. Residents will experience breathing and other relaxation techniques. Join Alex Dys-Dragos to meditate, learn, share experiences and deepen practice. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Sustainable Green Team Committee meeting at 7 p.m. at 111 West Second Street. Visit https://www.moorestown.nj.us for details.

FRIDAY, Nov. 10

“Gather” at 2 p.m. at the Moorestown Library.

“Gather” is an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political and cultural identities through food sovereignty, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide. This movie is a documentary and not rated.


Grab and Go Crafts – Native American Heritage Month Drum at the Moorestown Library. Stop by the children’s room and pick up a craft to make in the library or at home. Sponsored by the Friends of the Moorestown Library.

STEAM Time at 9:30 a.m. at the Moorestown Library.

Kids’ chess club (students in third through eighth grade) at 10 a.m. at the Moorestown Library. Learn the names of chess pieces, the rules of movements on the board and strategies for playing the game. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

ESL Conversation Group at 11:30 a.m. at the Moorestown Library. This class is for intermediate/advanced ESL students. The goal of this six-class program is to help increase vocabulary, improve pronunciation, apply appropriate grammar and learn idioms. Students are encouraged to attend each class in the session. Please call (856) 234-0333 x2 to receive a self-evaluation form. Once the form is returned, you will be contacted by the instructor to confirm your spot in the class.

Opera Roundtable – The Life and Times of Malcolm X at 2 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Join Bill Holt, opera aficionado and founder of Moorestown Library’s Opera Roundtable, for a discussion of The Metropolitan Opera’s upcoming HD simulcast “The Life and Times of Malcom X.” This program will also be held online. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

SUNDAY, Nov. 12

STEAM Time at 1 p.m. at the Moorestown Library.

Native Peoples of the Desert Southwest: Pueblo Dwellers and the Navajo at 2 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Join the library for a lecture on Native American history, art and culture of the Desert Southwest: The First Peoples of the Pueblos and the Navajo. The lecture examines Pueblo architecture, including apartment-style complexes at Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon. Climb a mesa top to see the amazing sun dagger which serves as a solar calendar, and visit Kivas, the sacred religious architecture of the Ancestral Pueblo people. Participants and the presenter respectfully discuss the ritual, religion, and art of America’s First Peoples —including Zuni fetishes and Navajo sandpainting used in healing ceremonies. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

MONDAY, Nov. 13

Baby Time (ages zero to two) at 10 a.m. at the Moorestown Library. Stories and songs.

Toddler Time (ages two to four) at 10:45 a.m. at the Moorestown Library. Stories and songs.

Learn to weave on a cardboard loom with Schuyler McClain at 1 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Join local artist McClain for an introduction to loom weaving using a lightweight cardboard loom. All skill levels from beginner to intermediate are welcome. All materials are provided, but participants can bring their own. Sponsored by the Friends of the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Moorestown knit and crochet 2gether: a virtual program at 1 p.m. Bring your needles, hooks, and works in progress to start the week in a mellow mood. Facilitated by Marilyn Fishman. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Monday night movies: “Defending Your Life” at 6:30 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Albert Brooks wrote, directed and starred in this romantic fantasy. Playing a neurotic advertising man who finds himself in a pleasant between-worlds site called Judgment City, he’s put before a two-judge tribunal to decide whether he can move on to a heavenly plane—or stick around for more seasoning. He meets and falls for Meryl Streep, another Judgment City dweller awaiting her fate. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Township council meeting at 7 p.m. at 111 West Second Street. Visit https://www.moorestown.nj.us for details.

TUESDAY, Nov. 14

Story time (for ages three and up) at 10 a.m. at the Moorestown Library. Stories, songs and crafts. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Mexican train dominoes at 1 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Ellen Gagnon, Mexican train dominoes enthusiast and teacher, will teach participants how to play the game. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Beginner ESL at 4 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Free in-person English class for beginners in speaking, reading and writing English. Text materials will be provided. Literacy NJ is teaching the class and will be testing students before they can attend. This will ensure the class is the right level for the student. New students must contact Literacy NJ at (609) 877-5566 to schedule a test before coming to a class. Please contact Joanne Parra at [email protected] or (856) 234-0333 ext. 4011 for more information.

Afterschool story time (ages three and up) at 4:15 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Stories, songs and crafts. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Open Space Advisory Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m. at 111 West Second Street. Visit https://www.moorestown.nj.us for details.

Tree Planting and Preservation Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 111 West Second Street. Visit https://www.moorestown.nj.us for details.


Baby time (ages zero to two) at 10 a.m. at the Moorestown Library.

Virtual: Eat Well, Spend Less at 10:30 a.m. A discussion on balanced eating habits on a balanced budget. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Toddler time (ages two to four) at 10:45 a.m. at the Moorestown Library.

Rummikub at noon at the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Evergreens and Their Holiday Uses at 1:30 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Join members of the Rutgers Master Gardener Program of Burlington County for a talk about how evergreens can be used for your holiday celebrations. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Library board of trustees meeting at 7 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. A copy of the agenda will be available at http://www.moorestownlibrary.org/library-board-of-trustees/. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Mastering Public Speaking Skills at 7 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Effective speakers have the ability to inform, persuade and entertain. This workshop will cover all three along with how to articulate and deliver your message successfully. The program will also highlight stage presence, body language and posture. The first step in successful speaking is capturing the attention of your audience. This workshop will teach you how to make that connection. This program is presented by Jack Gardner, retired Air Force veteran, experienced educator, and workshop presenter. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Appearance Committee meeting at 7 p.m. at 111 West Second Street. Visit https://www.moorestown.nj.us for details.


Mah Jongg at 1 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

LGBTQIA+ TRANSparent & Guardian Support Group at 7 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Join Moorestown Pride for an LGBTQIA+ TRANSparent & Guardian Support Group meeting. This program is part of a monthly series of family gatherings, teen groups and support groups for the LGBTQIA+ community hosted by Moorestown Pride. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.

Special Chess Event: Simul Play and Author Talk with USCF National Master Ben Johnson at 7 p.m. at the Moorestown Library. Ben Johnson is a USCF National Master and the host of one of the most popular and longest running chess podcasts in the world, “The Perpetual Chess Podcast.” His new book “Perpetual Chess Improvement” synthesizes and reflects on all of the advice that has been shared on the podcast. Ben will be talking about his new book and the unique challenges that adults face when it comes to improving at chess as well as playing simultaneously against up to 15 opponents. His new book will be available for purchase and a book signing will follow his talk. Sponsored by the Friends of the Moorestown Library. Register at https://www.moorestownlibrary.org.


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