Pinelands Calendar

Nov. 1-8

Happenings at Pinelands Library at 49 Union Street, Medford. For more information about the events listed call 609-654-6113.

Nov. 6 – 10 a.m. – Adult Grab and Go: Diwali Lantern.

Nov. 6 – 10 a.m. – Teen Grab and Go: Bestea Mug.

Nov. 8 – 11:30 a.m. – Word I.

By Wednesday, Nov. 1

Shamong Township is seeking nominations of Veteran’s (living or deceased) who can be honored in Shamong and be added to the War Memorial at 106 Indian Mills Road located in front of the Indian Mills 1921 School building. 

The war memorial was placed in front of the school sometime after World War II to honor those who served our country, while residing in Shamong, in World War I, World War II and “Those Who Served After.” In 1972 the memorial was expanded to add the two outer wings. These new additions were added to provide sufficient space to continue to honor those who serve/served our Country.

Eligible candidates, or their survivors, must provide a DD214 Military Service Record, and proof that the Veteran was a resident of Shamong Township at the time of deployment.

Shamong Township current and former residents who qualify may contact the Clerk’s office at (609) 268-2377 Ext. 304 or email [email protected]. The deadline to receive nominations for consideration is Nov. 1.

After 100 years of service, the Sally Stretch Keen Memorial Library in Vincentown needs your help. Some crucial repairs to our historic building will keep our books dry and our doors open. To make this happen, we applied for and won a matching New Jersey Historic Trust Grant. This is a real honor. It means the Trust recognizes the importance of our building’s architecture, history, and role as your community library. We are thrilled to be preserving our historic building, but a matching grant means that we need our community to help us raise our share after the grant award, which is $57,000. The library is holding a brick fundraiser. Orders are due Nov. 1 For more information call (609) 859-3598.

Wednesday, Nov. 1

Tabernacle Land Development meeting at 7 p.m., 163 Carranza Road.

Thursday, Nov. 2

Southampton Regular Planning Board meeting at 6 p.m., 5 Retreat Road, Southampton.

Flu Shot Clinic from 10 a.m. to noon, Shamong Township Municipal building, 105 Willow Grove Road.

Saturday, Nov. 4

Southampton Township residents clean up day and household hazardous waste drop off from 8 a.m. to noon, Public Works Building, 16 Buddtown Road.

Monday, Nov. 6

Fall brush pick up is Monday at 6 a.m. in Shamong.

Through November

The Atsion Mansion will open for daytime tours through November: Saturdays and Sundays at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Tickets for daytime tours can be purchased at the Atsion Office and are $3 for visitors over the age of 12, $1 for visitors ages 5-11 and free for visitors under 5 years old.

Atsion Mansion is located at 744 US 206, Shamong. For more information or to confirm Atsion Mansion tour availability, please call the Atsion Office at (609) 268-0444.


The Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company serving Shamong Township, is currently conducting a sneaker recycling program. Partnering with Got Sneakers!, they will collect and recycle used sneakers and athletic shoes, and return a small donation per pair to the local fire company.

The program is fairly simple. Collect your used sneakers or athletic shoes (must be a matched pair) and drop them off at one of the following collection sites:

  • Indian Mills Volunteer Fire Company, 48 Willow Grove Road (lobby open 24/7).
  • Shamong Township Municipal Building 105 Willow Grove Road (outside the tax collector window.
  • Indian Mills Memorial School 295 Indian Mills Road (front lobby, please refer to the school newsletter for details).
  • Indian Mills Elementary School 112 Indian Mills Road (front lobby, please refer to the school newsletter for details).
  • Crossroads Church of Shamong 445 Oakshade Road.

The Fire Company will handle the logistics of getting the sneakers to Got Sneakers!, who will handle recycling and will send a small donation back to the fire company for all qualifying pairs.

If you have any questions please email [email protected].


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