School district looks to residents for strategic planning process

The Mantua Township School District is currently conducting a survey for employees, students, parent and other residents in order to gauge what their strategic planning process will be for the next few years.

“Mantua Township School District is embarking on a strategic planning process to set high-level goals that will guide our pre-k to (grade) six work for the next three to five years,” said Superintendent Christine Trampe.  

“One of the first stages,” she added, “of this work includes gathering input from employees, students and parents as well as residents who do not currently have children in our public schools.”

Though the survey was designed specifically for parents whose kids are in the district, the district is still looking for input from those who do not have kids in the district. The hope is to get input from as many people in Mantua as possible to figure out what needs to be the most improved.

“All parents of our students received an email from the district asking them to complete a brief survey designed specifically for parents of current students,” said Trampe. “We would also like to capture opinions and recommendations from other community members.”

The survey can be found on the school district’s website by scrolling down to the news and announcements section and click on the “Community Survey for Strategic Planning” link. It will then take people to a page with the link to the survey.

The survey asks 12 questions and asks whether the surveyed agrees or disagrees with certain statements, and what goals are most important in accomplishing in the near future, to name some of the questions that will be asked.

The deadline for the survey is Sunday, Oct. 20. The identities those who wish to participate will remain anonymous when doing the survey, as it does not ask for a name.

“Public education is one of the pillars of our society and we have much to be proud of in Mantua,” said Trampe. “Please help us to continue our great work as we strive to meet all students’ needs and the challenges of 2024 and beyond.”


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