The Cherry Hill Environmental Board is inviting volunteers to an event on Saturday, Oct. 14, in honor of National Public Lands Day.
The day is meant to make a difference for the township’s Open Space lands. This is an opportunity to work towards improving Township trails, controlling trail erosion, picking up trash, and much more! The Township will provide volunteers with tools and yard waste bags to ensure a successful day.
To be a part of this amazing event, interested individuals should register online and meet at the large red barn at Croft Farm, located at 100 Bortons Mill Road, at 9 a.m. to sign-in, pick up tools, and receive volunteer assignments.
National Public Lands Day is the largest hands-on volunteer effort in the nation, and we are thrilled to have the chance to improve and enhance the public lands that Americans enjoy. Join us to help make a difference in our community!
To learn more, visit https://www.chnj.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=6305&month=10&year=2023&day=14&calType=0.