The Markeim Arts Center in Haddonfield will hold an opening reception on Sunday, Sept. 10 for the community to meet local artists Joey Rihl and Jay Miller, whose work will be displayed at the center for two months.
Their work will be part of the exhibit “2 Artists to Appreciate: The Art of Joey Rihl & Jay Miller,” though Nov. 17.
“We’re really excited because it’s a different way to present it,” said Amy Bash, marketing coordinator for Markeim. “There’s two artists, it’s a different date, it’s a different time, and I think it’ll draw attention, the fact that it’s that dynamic, that dichotomy.”
Rihl, a Merchantville resident who grew up in Haddonfield, has been involved with Markeim since childhood. He describes his work as classical realism, and his main two mediums are oil paint and graphite pencil.
“Much of my art is inspired by works of classic literature, theatre and film,” Rihl noted. “I think it’s fascinating how some stories and characters have become such a part of our culture.
“One of my paintings in this upcoming show that won best in show at the Markeim’s last exhibition is called “Beautiful Little Fool,” he added, “and that’s based on the character Daisy from “The Great Gatsby.”
Miller’s inspiration is a bit more abstract: something he’s read, a fragment of a dream, on a walk with no destination or music that moves him.
“For reasons I don’t yet fully understand, I’ve always wanted to express my thoughts and beliefs, and for me the best way has been through a visual medium,” he explained. “Additionally, while my aim with a particular piece might be very specific I enjoy leaving enough ambiguity to invite the viewer to draw their own interpretation, thereby becoming a participant in the process.”
Miller is a Voorhees resident, and for the Markeim show, he hopes that people take away the dynamic tension that exists between order and chaos, how different perceptions of reality can be seen through the lens of one’s own set of beliefs and values.
Compared to Rihl’s classical realism, Miller describes his art style as “figuratively abstract,” often integrating mixed-media components.
“I think (people will enjoy it) because of the dynamic differences in their style and subject matter,” said Bash of the “2 Artists to Appreciate” exhibit. “It’s colorful, it’s bold, it’s thought-provoking.”
Throughout the year, Markeim Arts Center regularly spotlights up-and-coming artists in its displays. The nonprofit holds juried exhibitions with themes because it wants to acknowledge and attract artists of different backgrounds, different mediums, and different age groups from the surrounding local communities.
The free exhibit’s opening reception will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. as a brunch. Admission is $5 for members and $8 for non-members for the opening reception, and RSVP is due by Sept. 8.
To register or learn more about the exhibit, visit https://markeimartscenter.org/event/2-artists-to-appreciate-the-art-of-joey-rihl-jay-miller/.