Mayor’s message: property tax relief

Dear Community Friends,

Many in our community have been feeling the adverse effects of the recent property reassessments, and all of us are impacted by the high cost of living in New Jersey. Looks like there is some help on the way, therefore, I thought I’d take this opportunity to summarize the tax relief benefits that should help many Mantua residents.

You may qualify for property tax relief through the 2023 Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) Program.

In most cases, if you do qualify for the state’s ANCHOR program, you should have already received, or will receive an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter this month, notifying you that you meet the requirements. If you don’t receive this letter, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t qualify. You should call to find out, as you must file your application before Friday, Dec. 29. 

You may file for the ANCHOR Program over the phone by calling 1-877-658-2972 or on-line through the New Jersey (Division of Taxation) website at

Qualifying payments are determined by a resident’s annual income.  According to various on-line sources this appears to be the income criteria.

Homeowners ages 65 years and older making up to $150,000.00 annually are now able to receive benefits totaling $1,750.00. For homeowners ages 65 years and older making more than $150,000 and up to $250,000.00 annually, benefits now total $1,250.00.  

Benefits for all other homeowners remain $1,500.00 for those making up to $150,000.00 annually, and $1,000.00 for those making more than $150,000.00 and up to $250,000.00 annually. 

For renters ages 65 years and older making up to $150,000.00, the benefit is now $700.00. All other renters making up to $150,000.00 are eligible for a $450.00 benefit.

The ANCHOR payments should be received by residents as early as Nov. 1, and after approximately 90 days from when the application was filed. Payments will be distributed on a rolling basis.

Mayor’s Message Volume #12 will again feature our Township Administrator, Jennica Bileci.  This video will consist of highlights from Mrs. Bileci’s budget presentation at our July 10th township committee meeting.  Look for this video over the next few weeks on our social media platforms and on our township website at

Upcoming Township Meetings and Events:    

  • Patriot Day Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 11 at 8:30 a.m. at the Place of Reflection in Chestnut Branch Park.

We’re honored to again host the annual Gloucester County Patriot Day Ceremony.  Each year we gather to honor the almost 3,000 lives lost during the horrific attacks that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001. For us here in Mantua, it’s an opportunity for us to reflect personally on the loss of John Rodak from our community who lost his life while working inside the twin towers on 9/11. Joyce and daughters, Devon and Chelsea are in attendance and participate each year.  John is our hometown patriot, and the Rodak’s will forever be a part of our Mantua family. We also honor Gloucester County residents Nick Brandemarti of West Deptford and Perry Thompson of Monroe Township who both perished as a result of the 9/11 attacks.

The program is open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to join us as we pay our respects. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Rodak’s and all those who feel the ill effects this time of year. We will never forget!

  • Bonsal Blues Band Concert is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 7:00 pm at McCarson Park (Rain date is Sept. 20th).
  • Last day to pay property taxes for the third quarter is Sept. 15.
  • Senior Dinner at Community Center is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 24 @ 6 p.m.

On behalf of Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto, myself and the entire township committee – we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.  


Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS


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