County detention center scores 100% on survey for national accreditation

The facility met all 37 of the applicable ‘essential standards’ plus all 18 additional ‘important standards'

The Burlington County Detention Center has joined a select group of correctional facilities to receive national accreditation for meeting high standards in correctional health care.

The National Commission on Correctional Health Care accredited the facility after performing a rigorous on-site review of the jail in January. The facility received a 100% score, meeting all 37 of the applicable ‘essential standards’ plus all 18 additional ‘important standards,’ the commission reported.

It marks the first time the Department of Corrections had sought accreditation from the commission for the jail.

The commission’s accreditation program is voluntary but requires facilities to undergo a rigorous professional assessment that includes an onsite survey by a team of experienced physicians and experts in correctional health care. During the survey, the team surveyed the facility for compliance with jail-specific standards in several areas, such as patient care and treatment, health promotion, safety and disease prevention, governance and administration, personnel and training, special needs and services and medical-legal issues.

In addition to the detention center’s accreditation, Department of Corrections Warden Matthew Leith successfully completed the commission’s certification program.

“Accreditation was a voluntary process, but our county detention center’s outstanding results shows how our Corrections Department goes above and beyond to preserve the health and safety of those in custody,” said Commissioner Deputy Director Tom Pullion. “Our board salutes our entire corrections staff and leadership for their work, and we also thank the Burlington County Health Department for working closely with them and assisting with the delivery of high-quality care.”


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