Police department’s message to Kia and Hyundai drivers

Mantua Township Police, and police across the country, have seen multiple auto theft incidents involving these specific car brands.

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The car thieves are taking advantage of a vulnerability in the ignition system, allowing them to start the vehicle using a USB device or cord. If the vehicle is locked, they will smash a window to gain access.

Kia and Hyundai have both released an anti-theft update available for vehicles affected by ongoing national theft trends. These are links to information from each manufacturer to update your vehicle:

Hyundai: https://www.hyundaiantitheft.com/

Kia: https://ksupport.kiausa.com/ConsumerAffairs/SWLD

Other ways to combat vehicle theft of these vehicles is to install a steering wheel lock. As always: Lock your vehicle, remove the key or remote key and valuables from the vehicle.

If you observe any suspicious activity or observe a crime in progress CALL 911. You may also call the MTPD non-emergency line at 856-468-1900.

Do not message our Facebook for crimes in progress or suspicious activity in progress, they are not monitored 24/7. Thank you.

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