Moorestown High School seniors filled the stadium field one last time for their commencement ceremony on June 22 to share graduation and their academic achievements with family, friends and faculty.
“To the soon-to-be graduates, while all of you have no doubt made amazing accomplishments in your life, you’re just at the beginning of your journey and that is a beautiful place to be,” said Mark Villanueva, president of the school district board of education.
“Moorestown has provided all of you with a foundation to chase and pursue anything you wish,” he added. “The knowledge you gained in and outside of our hallways will prepare you well for whatever comes next in life.”
Villanueva advised students not to fear failure or occasional obstacles, and said he hopes the Class of 2023 seizes all opportunities that come its way.
“It’s the lessons learned in failure and the ability to pull yourself up and dust yourself off after you’ve been knocked down that will help you learn and grow and make an impact on the world,” he promised. “Don’t let the prospect of failure stop you.”
Principal Andrew Seibel reflected on the graduates’ four years of high school and school Superintendent Joseph Bollendorf echoed congratulatory remarks.
“Thank you to the Class of 2023 for your attention to detail,” Seibel remarked. “From being on time to different events – which very few classes do – to making your mark on the halls with a very positive attitude.”
“Tonight is a very happy occasion; it’s the culmination of 12 years of education,” Bollendorf told the crowd. “ … My only advice to help deal with uncertainty is to be true to yourself. Stay in tuned with the values that have been entrusted to you and embrace the challenge of uncertainty.”
Senior class president Adam Connor recalled how the graduates adapted to COVID and pointed to their accomplishments, specifically sports teams that competed for titles in one year. They included field hockey, girls tennis, boys basketball and lacrosse.
“ … As our class proves, life is what you make it,” Conner continued. “Seize the opportunities that will lead to greatness, utilizing your strengths and the talent for which you have been blessed, because … you are exceptional …
“It’s been my honor and privilege to serve you as president for these four years because we rocked it, and I wouldn’t have wanted to take this journey with anybody else.”
Salutatorian Raghav Akula noted how everything he and his peers had built at Moorestown High – and the impressions they’ve left – aren’t theirs to keep.
“The only reason we’re entrusted with the power of leadership and the ability to make our marks in the first place is so that we can one day pass off the baton,” he explained. “So that we can ensure that there is a future in which others can be trusted with that same power and leadership, and the ability to make their marks.”
Akula expressed thanks to parents, teachers, friends and others for their support, then addressed his peers with a simple message: Be ready for the world, as the world isn’t ready for them.
“Today’s the day to celebrate everything we’ve been able to do, but perhaps more importantly, celebrate everything we’re going to do,” he said. “With a class like ours, I truly believe that everything that’s led up to this moment – it was all just the opening act.”
Valedictorian Keyan Vojdani referred to his peers as an amazing group of talented individuals with whom to spend time and expressed confidence that all the graduates will be successful in their future endeavors.
“As we look to our future, I would also like to emphasize the importance of perspective,” he related. “Undoubtedly, we will face many challenges along the way, but by embracing these challenges we will not only grow as individuals but can also improve our society.
“Each of us thinks differently, and it’s this difference of perspective that makes us all unique,” Vojdani added. “ … Don’t wait for others to make decisions for you. Silence the doubters.”
“There will be challenges along the way, but ultimately your success in something is incumbent upon the effort and work that you put into it …”