Deptford library’s Senior Switch Sports provides “low impact exercise” for seniors

Deptford library sessions scheduled for consecutive Tuesdays

Deptford Township Pinterest. Senior Switch Sports enables players to use a console for playing the Nintendo Switch video game.

The Deptford library has a new program designed for older guests called Senior Switch Sports, an opportunity to play the Nintendo game with the same name for up to an hour as a form of exercise and to meet peers.

The next session will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 13, with others following on the second Tuesday of every month at the same time. 

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“Our Senior Switch Sports program is brand new at the library,” said reference librarian Michelle Burns. “We purchased a Nintendo Switch video game and a bunch of controllers. We can have up to four people bowling or playing tennis at the same time. 

“Anyone over age 55 who wants to come, and play is welcome.”

Nintendo Switch Sports is used with a video game console that allows players to try a variety of different sports, not only bowling and tennis but swordplay, golf, soccer, volleyball and badminton, according to Nintendo’s website.

The game uses the console’s motion control capabilities to emulate a sport and  to provide an easy workout. In bowling for instance, a player swings the controller as if throwing a bowling ball.

We are constantly trying new things to meet the needs of our patrons, so we thought this would be a fun thing for seniors to come and play some video games,” said Burns. “Maybe they can get good enough to compete with their kids and grandkids. 

“It’s good, low-impact exercise in a safe environment.”

The June 13 event is the second session for the library; the first took place on May 9 but had a small turnout.

“We’ve only had the program once, and didn’t get much of a turnout, but we’re hoping to increase that as word spreads,” Burns noted. 

Senior Switch Sports is free and requires no registration or a library card.

“It’s a great opportunity to meet people, get up and around, and have some fun,” said Burns.

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