The Moorestown library will host readers of all ages this summer until 5 p.m. on Saturdays.
Summer reading kicks off on Friday, June 23, with programs and prizes for preschoolers, new readers, kids, teens and adults. Moorestown’s littlest readers and pre-readers can participate by completing activity sheets and reading logs to earn prizes including books, candy and toys.
Older kids, teens and adults will continue using READsquared to conveniently log books online. In addition to the Barnes & Noble gift cards readers can receive, children entering grades two to six will have a chance to report on their books in person and earn bonus prizes.
Adult summer readers will get coupons for free books at the library’s book sale and earn a raffle ticket for every book read (up to 10) to vie for a grand prize.
Nature Nick will feature two animal shows on the program’s opening day. Throughout the season, families can take part in programs that will include live theater, magic and comedy, chess and an escape room.
The library’s teen advisory board has planned a number of opportunities, among them Pokémon Open Play, Book Buddies and Math Packet Help for younger kids, and Bingo and anime night just for teens.
Anyone between the ages of 13 to 17 with a library card who is interested in volunteering should visit moorestownlibrary.org/kids/teens and click volunteer for more information.
Special programs for adults include will include trivia night on Monday, June 26, at 6:30 p.m.; Keith Calmes, classical guitarist on Saturday, July 8, at 2 p.m.; and Lighthouses of New Jersey, presented by the New Jersey Lighthouse Society on Monday, July 10, at 1:30 p.m.
Summer reading for all ages continues through Saturday, Aug. 26. Visit moorestownlibrary.org for more details, a complete schedule of events and registration information. The reading program and other events are sponsored by The Friends of the Moorestown Library.