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First United Methodist Church hosts health and wellness fair

CHRISTINE HARKINSON/The Sun: “I think the main message is that we are offering this truly for the benefit of the community,” said associate pastor Rev. Jessica Campbell of the health and wellness fair that First United Methodist Church will host next month.

First United Methodist Church (FUMC) in Moorestown will host a fair next month that answers a top concern of residents: health and wellness.

Since Rev. Dr. Gina Hendrickson and associate pastor Rev. Jessica Campbell came to FUMC two years ago, they’ve studied the demographics within a five-mile radius of the church. They discovered the top two issues important to residents: financial security and health and wellness.

The church will focus on the latter with a health and wellness fair on Saturday, May 6.

 “Hearing that that was such a concern for people, we wanted to plan an event that would kind of address where people were at, and what people were worrying about and thinking about,” Campbell said.

After the event’s welcome session, seminars will be held on the topics that include financial and mental health, Gen Z and anxiety, healthy eating, pet health and advances in breast cancer treatment. Attendees can register for two seminars, led by professionals in each field, and there will also be refreshments and vendor giveaways.

“I think for the community, particularly the ones around mental health and anxiety, especially coming out of COVID, where a lot of people are still really wrestling with varying degrees of mental health issues and particularly anxiety, I think those are going to be meaningful for people,” Campbell explained of topics in which she thinks people will show interest.

The church has a second fair set for later this year with seminars on the same topics and new ones. 

“We’re hoping that it might become a little bit more regular than once a year,” Campbell noted.

Every seminar will be set up differently, but leaders will provide residents with a safe space for learning and asking questions.

“Some of them will be much more conversation-based, others will be much more educational, but all of them will be small enough that people will definitely be able to have some Q&A and interacting time with the instructors,” Campbell said.

When the day is over, she wants people to feel like they have more tools and resources in their lives in a physical, mental and spiritual sense. 

“I look forward to just bringing the community together around this theme that I think people really are passionate about,” she pointed out. “I really think that with that wide array of classes, people are going to be able to sign up for the things that they think will be most beneficial for their health and wellness.”

Registration for the fair is required and available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/health-and-wellness-fair-tickets-596014935717

“That’s what I think is going to be the strong part of this series,” Campbell said, “that there’s just something for almost anyone in any stage of life.”


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