Mayor’s Message for week of March 26

The first township newsletter is expected to hit your mailboxes by USPS on or about April 15. This is the first quarterly newsletter of this calendar year. This is one of the many ways we’re trying to get information disseminated in a more efficient and timely fashion to our residents. 

Three of our police department’s Internal Affairs Officers recently attended a refresher IA course held by the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office, and officers Jeff Krieger and Bill Schnarr completed a rifle operator class. Our department is an accredited agency through the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police and is held to the highest of standards. The training of our personnel is paramount and a huge part of remaining a top-notch police department.

Our Park Director, Scott Hellerman will be starting a Bench Donation Program for Chestnut Branch Park. A fee will be determined to purchase a bench, place it on a concrete pad, and attach a plaque on the bench. Our plan is to keep all the benches in the park uniform in type and color.  The benches will be made from recycled plastic and will be a great quality. If you’re interested in donating a bench or would like additional information about this program, please contact Scott at [email protected] or (856) 468-1500 ext. 125.

There are four “Eagle Scout Projects” at various stages at Chestnut Branch Park. Last fall we had a scout, Evan Hellerman, build and donate a small shed for the Butterfly Garden for tool storage.  In the next few weeks, another scout, Evan Godsey will be providing four ADA handicap accessible picnic tables along the path behind the playground.  There is yet another Scout, Brenden Byrne, building two information boards at the entrances to the paths behind the 911 Memorial. He will also be mapping out those paths like a scout did a few years ago on the paved paths. Finally, we have a scout, Xander Trautman, who is planning on building a shed for the baseball field to store tools and equipment.  We commend each scout for their dedicated efforts and thank them for helping to make our park a better place.  We look forward to honoring each scout at the completion of their respective projects when they attain the rank of Eagle Scout.

If you don’t already know, the Mantua Township Regional Municipal Court now has jurisdiction over offenses that occur within the Townships of Mantua, West Deptford and Harrison as well as the Boroughs of Pitman, Wenonah, Woodbury Heights and National Park.  Cases heard in our court include traffic violations, minor criminal offenses and ordinances enacted in these respective municipalities.  We have been a model of excellence throughout the state for regionalization and this has been a way to generate a steady revenue stream for us, and in turn, save tax dollars for the local taxpayers.  We have recently been asked to speak with other municipalities to share our best practices and insight on how to successfully merge into a regional court.

Upcoming Township Meetings and Events:

  • During “Tire Amnesty Week” our public works department collected 120 tires.
  • Bulk trash pick-up is from Monday, April 3 to Friday, April 7 on your normal trash day.
  • On Saturday, April 1, the “2nd Annual Casey Power Memorial 5K Run & Walk” will be held at Chestnut Branch Park.  Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the walk will begin at 9:00 a.m. The cost is $30.00 per person which includes a t-shirt and a water and treat.
  • The 2nd Annual Car Show for the Vineland Veterans Home sponsored by VFW District 13 will now be held at Chestnut Branch Park on Sunday, April 2 from 9 a.m. (registration) until 2:30 p.m. (the event date was changed from 04/01 to 04/02)
  • The next Historical Commission meeting is Thursday, April 6 at 7 pm at the Historical Museum.
  • The next Fire District meeting is Thursday, April 6 at 7:00 pm at the Sewell Fire House.
  • Municipal Offices are closed for business on Friday, April 7 for Good Friday.
  • The Mantua Police Department will have Car Seat Safety Technicians at the Sewell Fire House on Saturday, April 8 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
  • The Historical Commission is having an essay contest for the fifth grade students at J. Mason Tomlin School who will attend the Historical Museum on April 18 and 19.
  • Opening Day for Mantua Little League and for the Sewell Raildogs is slated for Saturday, April 15.  

On behalf of myself, Deputy-Mayor Pete Scirrotto and the entire Township Committee, we look forward to serving you with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.


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