Mayor’s Message for week of Feb. 19

On behalf of the township committee, I’d like to provide some insight on the Glassboro-Camden Line (GCL) in response to a recent flier being mailed / disseminated to some of our residents by the “Say No to GCL” from Wenonah.

Our township committee has heard from residents who are in-opposition to the GCL; from residents who are in-favor of the GCL; and from residents who dont have an opinion either way about the GCL, etc. Please understand that we as your elected officials represent the 15,000 plus residents in Mantua Township.  

A member or members of the public (of the “Say No to GCL” Group) suggested at a fairly recent township committee meeting the idea of getting a petition signed by registered voters to get this on the ballot for a future General Election. We think this is a very fair and reasonable idea.  

  1. Wed know definitively if enough Mantua residents actually want this placed on a future ballot.  
  2. If enough verified registered voter signatures are garnered in Mantua, and it becomes a future ballot question, wed get a sampling as to whether or not the voting majority are in-favor or are against the project. (Keeping in mind that it would be a non-binding referendum and would have no direct impact on the future of the GCL project.  It basically just ascertains the sentiment and gauges an opinion of the residents, but has no relevance as to whether the project moves forward or not).

I cant reiterate enough that this is not a Mantua Township project and we have no say or jurisdiction over the matter.  The GCL is managed by the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) with the New Jersey Transit and the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) serving as project partners. We kindly ask that you express your thoughts and concerns directly to those agencies of the GCL Team so that your voice is heard by the decision makers. Our contact at the DRPA has been Ms. Tonyelle Cook-Artis (Acting Director Government Relations / Grants Administration and Community Relations).  She can be reached at [email protected] or 856-968-2106.  You may also want to contact the Legislative District 5 Office for Mantua Township at (856) 853-2960 or Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez at [email protected]; Assemblyman William Moen at [email protected] and Assemblyman William Spearman at [email protected].  

You are certainly welcome to contact myself or Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto or attend a township committee meeting regarding this issue, however, you’ll receive the same information as I just cited. Updated information can also be found for the GCL Project at We thank you for your patience, support and understanding.

As most probably already know, the $73 million Rowan University Jean & Ric Edelman Fossil Park Museum is under construction behind the Lowe’s on Woodbury-Glassboro Road. The Fossil Park is set into a 65-acre landscape, and the museum will perch above the quarry where within its muddy depths are 66-million-year-old marine and terrestrial fossils that record the last moments of the dinosaur world. The building construction is expected to be finished in September of this year, and the park and museum is now slated for a grand opening in the Spring of 2024. The park and museum are expected to attract 200,000 guests or more annually.  If you’ve recently traveled past this area, you’ve probably noticed some construction signs and preliminary work beginning near the Lowe’s on Woodbury-Glassboro Road (County Road 553).  This is in preparation for a roadway entrance to the park and museum and is scheduled to continue until its scheduled completion in January 2024.    

The Mantua Township Fire District’s Election was held this past Saturday, Feb. 18. The Fire District’s budget officially passed and included the additional hiring of two full-time firefighters.  We wholeheartedly support our fire department and public safety organizations in our community who all help to make Mantua a great place to live and raise our families.

The next bulk trash pick-up is scheduled for the week of March 6 through March 10. Our public works superintendent is requesting that you keep the following in-mind:

  • Bulk trash is for residential household waste only. This refers to waste that is generated by the residents of your household.
  • Do not place your bulk trash curbside before 6 p.m. the day before your collection.
  • This does not include the structure and/or the outside structure, storm damage, remodeling or any kind of construction debris.
  • Carpet can be placed curbside in four foot lengths, and must be tied and bundled.
  • Old furniture may be placed at the curb with your trash, as well as white goods, such as a refrigerator, air conditioner, washer, dryer or light iron.
  • Doors must be removed from appliances before being placed at the curb.
  • E-waste such as TV’s, computers, DVD’s, CD players, etc. must go out during bulk week.

Note:  The Township reserves the right to reject excessive bulk loads, or any materials not accepted as bulk trash.

On behalf of myself, Deputy-Mayor Pete Scirrotto and the entire Township Committee, we look forward to serving you with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.


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